Active Users:841 Time:12/03/2025 12:20:08 AM
But that's personal issues of the clergy and whatnot involved. It's not doctrine Cannoli Send a noteboard - 13/11/2010 02:20:38 AM
And, IIRC, this Pope, like his predecessor, is opposed to capital punishment. But, strangely, I have yet to have a visit from the Inquisition ordering me to adjust my beliefs to align with that of the popes. Too bad, because I'd love to get some autographs.

They routinely protest against every single execution, I believe - or at least every time I hear about someone on death row, there seems to be a condemnation from Rome.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Pope criticises gay marriage and abortion at cathedral consecration in Spain - 07/11/2010 08:18:06 PM 1316 Views
Can't wait to see what he says about sanctity of life next time he's in TX.... - 07/11/2010 08:51:41 PM 1139 Views
You know, next time you tell people to not reopen certain debates... - 07/11/2010 09:28:21 PM 1030 Views
Does Spain distinguish between secular and sacramental marriage? - 08/11/2010 01:10:47 AM 898 Views
I would assume so, but can't say for sure. - 08/11/2010 10:27:01 AM 832 Views
Well, that's the out then. - 08/11/2010 11:00:14 PM 908 Views
I looked it up for you both. - 09/11/2010 08:38:55 PM 845 Views
Pfft, if you trust the AMERICANS.... - 09/11/2010 08:52:58 PM 841 Views
I'm more looking forward to how the Texans affirm their support for the institution like Spain - 09/11/2010 11:36:16 PM 715 Views
The Catholic Church as a whole is opposed to capital punishment, and is fairly vocal about it. - 09/11/2010 11:55:18 PM 7172 Views
But that's personal issues of the clergy and whatnot involved. It's not doctrine - 13/11/2010 02:20:38 AM 828 Views
Now that is the way to protest against the Pope. I wish people had thought of that here. *NM* - 07/11/2010 09:02:51 PM 339 Views
The girl on girl kissing? Hell, yeah. - 07/11/2010 09:23:17 PM 789 Views
Re: They're Europeans... - 07/11/2010 09:25:51 PM 831 Views
you must have the Ugly lesbian Club in your area - 07/11/2010 09:28:02 PM 868 Views
Re: you must have the Ugly lesbian Club in your area - 07/11/2010 10:05:58 PM 833 Views
she's lesbian. - 07/11/2010 10:32:37 PM 795 Views
Re: she's lesbian. - 08/11/2010 01:14:32 AM 813 Views
Referring to the 1930s and then talking of re-evangelization is a rather painful gaffe, I must say. - 07/11/2010 09:13:19 PM 821 Views
dang. how big and fancy is this cathedral going to be? *NM* - 07/11/2010 09:28:44 PM 440 Views
Uh yeah because Franco was worse than the communists.... - 08/11/2010 03:43:55 AM 793 Views
Was he worse? We'll never know, seeing how he was the one that came out on top. - 08/11/2010 10:17:10 AM 901 Views
Re: Was he worse? We'll never know, seeing how he was the one that came out on top. - 08/11/2010 03:31:45 PM 973 Views
Re: Was he worse? We'll never know, seeing how he was the one that came out on top. - 08/11/2010 10:28:01 PM 837 Views
Re: Was he worse? We'll never know, seeing how he was the one that came out on top. - 09/11/2010 10:24:38 AM 1100 Views
Ah, classic communist logic. - 09/11/2010 08:17:48 PM 778 Views
No - 09/11/2010 08:20:21 PM 826 Views
Yeah, you pretty much can. - 09/11/2010 11:09:57 PM 852 Views
Re: Yeah, you pretty much can. - 09/11/2010 11:12:43 PM 932 Views
It's the wrong question to ask, however. - 13/11/2010 10:53:00 PM 993 Views
I wouldn't expect anything less of him. *NM* - 08/11/2010 02:28:36 AM 377 Views
Again: The Pope doesn't oppress anyone. - 08/11/2010 03:40:19 AM 854 Views
Awesome, except he's attacking people leaving, too. *NM* - 08/11/2010 04:30:02 AM 382 Views
I would too. - 08/11/2010 05:08:37 AM 796 Views
Yes, we know you would. *NM* - 08/11/2010 04:35:54 PM 421 Views
well fine, but you're telling them to leave, and attacking them for doing so. - 08/11/2010 07:18:45 PM 690 Views
And here come the ad hominem attacks. - 08/11/2010 09:32:23 PM 853 Views
No, it's more like a boss firing an employee and then bitching about them leaving. *NM* - 08/11/2010 10:43:56 PM 446 Views
Except we're not ordering them to leave. - 09/11/2010 12:46:46 AM 824 Views
So if you are Darth Vader, - 09/11/2010 10:19:25 AM 809 Views
I am, bitches. - 09/11/2010 03:08:26 PM 838 Views
Glad someone finally got the joke. - 09/11/2010 08:18:25 PM 1018 Views
Did you hear the Church have stopped approving applications for people to officially leave, - 08/11/2010 07:13:15 PM 772 Views
lol, so they're taking notes from the LDS church now? - 08/11/2010 07:19:39 PM 732 Views
Not at all. - 08/11/2010 09:29:29 PM 805 Views
Yeah, I'm with Dragonsoul on this one - 08/11/2010 09:39:13 PM 696 Views
It makes a difference when they use your name as part of a statistic - 09/11/2010 12:28:51 AM 963 Views
Tainting Gaudi with that talk makes me a little sad - 08/11/2010 09:39:49 PM 699 Views
Agreed on both - 09/11/2010 10:18:35 AM 747 Views
Re: - 08/11/2010 11:06:50 PM 667 Views
This is funny. - 09/11/2010 08:42:52 PM 726 Views

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