That's a shame. Not the thinking about us, but the not staying. So how have you been? (because we really haven't heard from you in forever)
I've been good. Still working as a contractor for NASA. Keeping very active. Went caving all day today in Steward Spring Cave. It was rough - lots of crawling through mud and water, lots of stooped-over walking and climbing on muddy rocks. Still, there's some very pretty formations in the caves around here. Tomorrow I have dance practice with my salsa partner, and then after I'm practicing other stuff (probably West Coast Swing and Cha-cha with another friend of mine. I've also been rock climbing a lot lately. Plus, I taught my dog to kayak.
Jesus Christ. I get exhausted just reading that.
Caving. Well, I am sure that is one thing one could do. Just don't cave in.
There was a 'short cut' back out of the cave where the ceiling was about 25cm. Not for claustrophobic people.
I am glad you made it out in one piece.
structured procrastinator
structured procrastinator
Sit down. I have to tell you something. Are you sitting down?
06/11/2010 03:47:01 AM
I remember you.
06/11/2010 03:59:57 AM
Did you know there's a new book out?
06/11/2010 04:40:11 AM
If by "knew", you mean stood in line and had it signed by the author... yes.
06/11/2010 03:37:28 PM
And it was delicious *NM*
06/11/2010 05:14:14 AM