That was very brave and worthy of him. I am glad that overall there seem to be more people listening to that message all the time. It is a shame that so much anti-gay bullying goes on and that there are many adults who either encourage it or turn a blind eye, and by shame I not only mean that it's bad, I mean that we as a society should literally be ashamed.
Joel Burns is right. It's getting better. It will continue to get better. There is no justification, not on any level, for the emotional torment some people are made to go through because they are perceived as different.
Joel Burns is right. It's getting better. It will continue to get better. There is no justification, not on any level, for the emotional torment some people are made to go through because they are perceived as different.
Warder to starry_nite
Chapterfish — Nate's Writing Blog
Chapterfish — Nate's Writing Blog
Don't know how many of you have watched this yet, but it seriously makes you want to cry.
14/10/2010 10:28:53 PM
Yeah, that got me a little.
15/10/2010 01:04:03 AM
Much Awesomeness. That Video should be shown at every school across America.
15/10/2010 01:40:12 PM