Re: Fuck your ignorant comment city boy. People all over this country still burn trash. - Edit 1
Before modification by callandor1000 at 07/10/2010 01:48:45 PM
The city boy comment is a bit tongue in cheek. You're from Boston right?
Nope. I'm from maine. Most places have towns bigger than the majority of our city's.
Seriously though, I grew up in the city for my first eight years where there was trash pickup. My mom remarried and we moved five miles up the road to what was a growing farm community. Everyone burned trash on the dirt road I lived on. That wasn't even comparable to how rural the area in this story sounds. Outside of cities a lot of America still does things like burn trash. Your comment is naive.
I mean our town trash pickup was ridiculous. You could only use certain gabs, they cost a buck a pop. But you still didn't burn trash. It was unsafe and you needed a $50 permit good for one day.