I was working in an office in central London. My mum had just called me and moments after she called it came up on TV (which she had on while talking to me) and she went quiet for a moment, then started telling me what was happening, the original purpose of the phone call forgotten.
I relayed it around our office - no one else had heard yet, and then kept emailing updates as most of the news sites weren't working (overloaded we assumed) and the only radio we had was down our end of the office.
I remember there being a feeling of terror in the office, as there was was this feeling that London could be targeted too, as well as a feeling of disbelief.
We were told we could go - but most of us stayed for much of the day for fear of what might happen on the underground (I have a feeling the underground may have ended up closed anyway) a few with partners working nearby left to meet up with them though. When we did leave it was in groups of people who lived close to each other - no one seemed to want to be alone.
Or receptionist was in a bit of a panic too, as she knew her parents were either in or going to NYC that day and she couldn't get hold of them and she was sure they were going to be staying at the WTC - it turned out that they were waiting at the UK airport for their flight to leave (obviously never did).
I relayed it around our office - no one else had heard yet, and then kept emailing updates as most of the news sites weren't working (overloaded we assumed) and the only radio we had was down our end of the office.
I remember there being a feeling of terror in the office, as there was was this feeling that London could be targeted too, as well as a feeling of disbelief.
We were told we could go - but most of us stayed for much of the day for fear of what might happen on the underground (I have a feeling the underground may have ended up closed anyway) a few with partners working nearby left to meet up with them though. When we did leave it was in groups of people who lived close to each other - no one seemed to want to be alone.
Or receptionist was in a bit of a panic too, as she knew her parents were either in or going to NYC that day and she couldn't get hold of them and she was sure they were going to be staying at the WTC - it turned out that they were waiting at the UK airport for their flight to leave (obviously never did).
Formerly Kathryn Sedai
Please excuse grammar, spelling mistakes or if I sound rushed as I tend to have a baby feeding or in my lap and /or a toddler climbing me. It doesn't make for easy posting.
Please excuse grammar, spelling mistakes or if I sound rushed as I tend to have a baby feeding or in my lap and /or a toddler climbing me. It doesn't make for easy posting.
/survey: Where were you when the Towers fell?
11/09/2009 08:32:23 AM
Was at home doing nothing, found out when I switched on the TV about 3 hours after it happened
11/09/2009 10:43:01 AM
I was switching on the TV to watch Home & Away...
11/09/2009 10:53:23 AM
In a high school cafeteria, right after getting out of web design class. *NM*
11/09/2009 02:16:28 PM
College, walking to work at the newspaper office on the wrong day. Worked anyway, of course. *NM*
11/09/2009 11:40:09 PM
woken up by then mom-in-law saying a plane had accidentally crashed into the wtc
12/09/2009 01:58:47 AM
At Work.
12/09/2009 10:20:22 PM