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Re: /Survey: Foreign language knowledge in Europe (and elsewhere) everynametaken Send a noteboard - 25/09/2010 07:38:29 PM
1) Which languages did you learn in school, and for how long?

High School - One semester of French but I had already begun teaching myself second semester material.

College - One semester of Spanish and one semester of Russian. I did likewise with these two and began teaching myself second semester material.

2) Which languages would you say you speak with some degree of fluency?

English but I would say when I am around it for a little while and pick it back up again I can speak conversationally in Spanish. My Russian is minimal (in my opinion) as far as speaking goes but the Russians I meet always seem impressed with how much I can say properly. I know Tom disagrees but I find it a difficult language to learn (which is why I like the challenge!)

I can still read French and get the gist of what is being said. I can read and write Spanish pretty well well with the need for a dictionary occasionally. I can read and write Russian but need a dictionary a lot. I am sure I mess up the cases in more complex sentences quite a bit unless I really think the endings through before writing them.

3) Do you think languages get too much attention in the school system you went to, too little, or just about enough?

Definitely too little. When I was in High School 15 years ago it was either French or Spanish and pretty much all schools in Michigan were the same. there was no option to learn anything else. I think schools could do a better job explaining why language is important and I believe all kids should be exposed to at least some Spanish.

4) What do you think of the remarkable dominance of English that appears in the data?

It is the closest thing the world has ever seen to a universal language and may ever see. I think that is a pretty astounding fact.
But wine was the great assassin of both tradition and propriety...
-Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings
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/Survey: Foreign language knowledge in Europe (and elsewhere) - 24/09/2010 01:37:42 PM 1277 Views
Re: /Survey: Foreign language knowledge in Europe - 24/09/2010 01:49:32 PM 700 Views
Answering the survey myself... - 24/09/2010 02:04:39 PM 701 Views
Re: /Survey: Foreign language knowledge in Europe - 24/09/2010 02:10:57 PM 688 Views
Re: /Survey: Foreign language knowledge in Europe - 24/09/2010 02:20:45 PM 828 Views
Re: /Survey: Foreign language knowledge in Europe - 24/09/2010 02:24:01 PM 712 Views
Re: /Survey: Foreign language knowledge in Europe - 24/09/2010 02:14:52 PM 746 Views
We have a similar situation in Belgium. - 24/09/2010 02:32:25 PM 612 Views
It is all double dutch to me - 24/09/2010 02:41:41 PM 696 Views
Hah! - 24/09/2010 06:58:49 PM 780 Views
Re: /Survey: Foreign language knowledge in Europe - 24/09/2010 03:32:09 PM 640 Views
That is rather sad to say the least. - 24/09/2010 04:15:32 PM 870 Views
Indeed - 24/09/2010 06:23:52 PM 682 Views
That's just Paris being a city of nasty people. - 24/09/2010 06:32:40 PM 832 Views
I never noticed that - 24/09/2010 07:05:18 PM 717 Views
Re: /Survey: Foreign language knowledge in Europe - 24/09/2010 04:00:04 PM 754 Views
I didn't mean just in Sweden, or Scandinavia. - 24/09/2010 04:19:32 PM 745 Views
Well... - 24/09/2010 10:50:09 PM 647 Views
Re: /Survey: Foreign language knowledge in Europe - 24/09/2010 05:47:09 PM 717 Views
Interesting. - 24/09/2010 06:04:30 PM 670 Views
Re: Interesting. - 24/09/2010 06:42:02 PM 817 Views
Re: Interesting. - 24/09/2010 07:05:44 PM 728 Views
Re: Interesting. - 24/09/2010 07:21:24 PM 843 Views
Re: Interesting. - 24/09/2010 08:18:30 PM 704 Views
Re: Interesting. - 25/09/2010 08:02:30 PM 773 Views
American who just got a C+ on a French quiz reporting in. - 24/09/2010 06:09:31 PM 770 Views
What was it on? - 24/09/2010 06:22:35 PM 688 Views
Re: /Survey: Foreign language knowledge in Europe - 24/09/2010 06:16:22 PM 629 Views
Re: /Survey: Foreign language knowledge in Europe (and elsewhere) - 24/09/2010 09:38:05 PM 820 Views
Re: /Survey: Foreign language knowledge in Europe (and elsewhere) - 25/09/2010 05:49:05 AM 805 Views
Real quick - 25/09/2010 12:03:51 PM 778 Views
Self-study can be worth as much as formal classroom study, I suppose - 25/09/2010 03:43:14 PM 771 Views
Certainly it can. - 26/09/2010 12:35:56 PM 768 Views
You know, gen eds typically include a language. *NM* - 26/09/2010 07:28:57 PM 305 Views
Yes, but other things as well. - 26/09/2010 08:08:20 PM 714 Views
Interesting - 27/09/2010 03:14:00 AM 869 Views
Re: Interesting - 27/09/2010 11:04:37 AM 780 Views
You don't have to prove it's economically valid? - 27/09/2010 08:31:46 PM 794 Views
Re: /Survey: Foreign language knowledge in Europe (and elsewhere) - 25/09/2010 04:54:40 PM 916 Views
Re: /Survey: Foreign language knowledge in Europe (and elsewhere) - 25/09/2010 07:38:29 PM 838 Views
The amount of German is more surprising. - 25/09/2010 07:55:29 PM 589 Views
Re: /Survey: Foreign language knowledge in Europe (and elsewhere) - 26/09/2010 12:07:19 AM 850 Views
They should have asked about second languages rather than foreign languages. - 26/09/2010 11:34:27 AM 703 Views
Aye, they should have. - 26/09/2010 12:26:51 PM 814 Views
Re: /Survey: Foreign language knowledge in Europe (and elsewhere) - 27/09/2010 03:18:30 PM 753 Views

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