My sister was an intel officer at AMC headquarters at Scott AFB. She called about half an hour after the planes hit, around 6:40ish that morning. My Dad came down, opened my door and said "Jena, a plane hit the World Trade Center." I was awake instantly from a dead sleep. I went upstairs and watched it all unfold with my mom, sitting on the end of her bed.
The only thing we could think or say about when the first one went down was "All those people.... all those people." And we just kept crying well after the second one went down. There just wasn't much else to do.
The only thing we could think or say about when the first one went down was "All those people.... all those people." And we just kept crying well after the second one went down. There just wasn't much else to do.
Catriona not-so-Sedai
Original Heckler of the Nebhead Reborn
Hunter. Always.
Cooler than Mr. T. Josh said so.
For Kory and Joe:
Original Heckler of the Nebhead Reborn
Hunter. Always.
Cooler than Mr. T. Josh said so.
For Kory and Joe:
/survey: Where were you when the Towers fell?
11/09/2009 08:32:23 AM
Was at home doing nothing, found out when I switched on the TV about 3 hours after it happened
11/09/2009 10:43:01 AM
I was switching on the TV to watch Home & Away...
11/09/2009 10:53:23 AM
In a high school cafeteria, right after getting out of web design class. *NM*
11/09/2009 02:16:28 PM
College, walking to work at the newspaper office on the wrong day. Worked anyway, of course. *NM*
11/09/2009 11:40:09 PM
woken up by then mom-in-law saying a plane had accidentally crashed into the wtc
12/09/2009 01:58:47 AM
In my parents' bedroom with my mom.
12/09/2009 04:27:30 AM