Active Users:1157 Time:23/11/2024 04:51:06 AM
Btw, I'm not replying again. You may like going back and forth with some fool on the web. I do not. - Edit 1

Before modification by LiterateDog at 20/09/2010 11:59:12 PM

Millions of dollars went to craftsmen and regular workers to build that house. It certainly stimulated the economy a lot more than any of the so-called "stimulus programs" have.

It's like when people complain about a rich person having a maid. What's to complain about? Someone who didn't have one now has a job. Or, as I'd say on my less amendable days, "Some bitch got a job out of it, now shut the fuck up."

My mom still quotes the old woman she heard years ago affirming on TV that "Republicans are good for the economy; we create jobs: Dishwashers, gardeners, chauffeurs, maids, butlers.... "

The actual workers and craftsmen, yes, (though I'd be a lot happier if they were earning my tax dollars building something worthy of the name "interstate" to drive to KS on) but as far as "like when people complain about a rich person having a maid, " well, you can't really build an economy of 300,000,000 people on the notion that as long as enough of them have enough money to pay the rest to things FOR THEM we're OK. We HAVE tried, it just doesn't work.

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