Gift shops in churches can have awesome stuff, as tacky as the principle is.
Legolas Send a noteboard - 15/09/2010 12:51:09 AM
I'm mildly turned off by the museum/gift shop in one of the churches here in Boston, but at least pretty much everything they sell is books.
There's this one cathedral in Spain where they sell a rather impressive timeline of Christian history from the very beginning to now - the whole thing folded out is like ten meters long and covers really pretty much everything. At times in nicely polemic "we Catholics rock, everybody else is scum" tones, but hey, it's Spain.
On the other end of the oecumenic sentiments spectrum, I bought a poster in another church of a massive tree splitting into three branches - Judaism, Christianity, Islam - and then dozens of smaller branches. It's awesome. Of course, most everything else in that gift shop was fairly tacky, so I'm not really disagreeing with your basic point.

What would Jesus buy?
14/09/2010 11:47:09 PM
14/09/2010 11:59:18 PM
Gift shops in churches can have awesome stuff, as tacky as the principle is.
15/09/2010 12:51:09 AM
To be honest I'm surprised they're not still selling indulgences. *NM*
15/09/2010 03:54:16 PM
I recall seeing an old Pope John Paul beer can from Australia, so this isn't a first.
15/09/2010 04:54:57 PM