It seems that by your (to me nebulous) definition - Edit 1
Before modification by Sareitha Sedai at 12/08/2010 11:07:11 PM
I wasn't saying: "here some churches sanction sin, therefore it's acceptable for them all to." Only that in many churches there are grounds for sanctioning sin so those that seem to pick and choose have no basis for banning gay marriage. They would be discriminating.
Those churches that sanction no sins obviously would have more of a case.
...there couldn't be any churches that sanction no sins. Unless it's a church that doesn't allow any human members to attend or recieve sacraments.
And yes, they are discriminating. The point is that they are allowed to do so, similar to the way that certain churches demonstrably discriminate on the basis of gender and on the basis of religion, and are legally permitted to do so.