Pretty sure that's the norm. - Edit 1
Before modification by Ghavrel at 10/08/2010 03:21:45 AM
So, the other day, at a semi-formal event representing my boss, an older gentleman approached me and started making small talk. After a bit, he commented on how young I seemed, I couldn't be older than 31. I chuckled and told him that my 24th Birthday is next week, and that killed the conversation. He was embarrassed that his guess was 7 years off, and I was a bit offended that anyone would think I'm in my thirties just yet.
1. Would you be offended if someone guessed you were 7 years older than you are?
I would be surprised, since the usual guess is that I'm about 24-25 years old still. Being up to a dozen years off my age can be annoying when I don't want to be considered near the same age as my students.
Hmmmm... I guess that would be just as annoying... if people thought I was much younger than I am. Here's hoping I stay looking in my thirties for the next twenty or thirty years.
Stay away from smoking and inherit high cheekbones and you might be able to do that
2. Do you think people assume "professionals" have to be older than 24?
Perhaps. Then again, I student taught at 24 and was confused for a HS junior.
That burns... I've been confused for a professor at the school, and when I take my little sibs to school, people assume I'm their father.
It was even worse when I was teaching in FL. I taught middle school for ESOL students and I was walking over to another teacher's room before the gates were opened and another teacher called out. She thought I was a student who had snuck in In fairness, there were some court-ordered students who were 16-17 that looked like they were older than that, but it was a bit amusing (I want to say it was on a casual Friday, as I usually would wear khakis and button-downs then)
3. What would you do if someone guessed that far off on your age?
Depending on the situation, I might politely correct them, or just casually mention that 1/3 of my hair is graying now
If I didn't have it, I would have been in prison now for second-degree
4. Is it better to be perceived as your actual age, or to be perceived as older/more mature? Is it better to be perceived as younger?
While I like to be thought of as more "mature" than I really am, it's not all that important. After all, cougars can be a compliment...I suppose
LOL... Depends on how useful/beautiful/kind they are.
Indeed, but then again, I can also date women 10-15 years younger than me and it wouldn't look so bad as well
5. I should just get over it, and realize that one guy is bad at guessing ages... right?
You probably should just get around to getting older, you know
Nay! I shan't age another minute! *holds breath*
Oh, going to be like the main character in The Tin Drum?