GAH!!! What are the mighty bosh quotes doing on this site? Not only is that show in no way fantasy or science fiction (the fact that people post here about things other than that is one thing but quotes??) THE SHOW SUCKS SQUIRREL BALLS! I tried to watch it once and I could literally feel my IQ dropping through the floor...I mean maybe if you are a stoner or drop acid and don't want to ever have a job, a family, or do anything with your life then maybe the show is good to watch but otherwise it shouldn't even be on the air...GAHH! Moving out of the country to one that isn't crazy and lazy is looking better and better all the time.
GAH!! Enough with the mighty bosh quotes!!
06/08/2010 10:44:24 PM
Which country are you thinking of? I'm curious now. *NM*
06/08/2010 10:47:53 PM
Your account > Edit profile > scroll down to Quote Categories and unselect as preferred *NM*
06/08/2010 11:17:03 PM
I love that show. Oh and I'm pretty smart, I can even spell the show's title correctly.
07/08/2010 02:24:59 AM