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Re: Hehe... Phelix Send a noteboard - 06/08/2010 02:44:33 AM
Mostly, I be good. Inching closer to graduation, dealing with my health issues and my mother's, and trying to stay sane. Yay family.

Sounds like your family is more the same than ever

You know it. Mom's spirals are more frequent, and harsher now... but they end relatively quickly. Instead of months of build up and weeks of anger, now it's weeks of build up and days of anger.

Health issues? You okay?

Well, I'm a mutant... I have a mutated gene or two that causes my body to produce excess iron, and causes my liver to produce some excess enzymes. We caught it early, so there's not much damage done, but the only known treatment is bleeding.

Literally. The treatment plan they have me on limits my intake of iron and requires me to go "donate" blood every other month. If I skip, it means my iron will spike, the enzymes will spike, my blood pressure will do wonky things, it's a nasty chain reaction.

But I get to honestly tell people I'm a mutant... with the lamest mutation ever.
How's the lemonade over there?

I drink limeade now

But it's all good

Good to hear.
I was Phelix on wotmania, I will always be Phelix in the "real" world, and now I am Phelix on RAFO.

You will make all kinds of mistakes; but as long as you are generous and true and also fierce you cannot hurt the world or even seriously distress her.- Churchill

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Politics and the unions - 01/08/2010 12:17:01 PM 895 Views
Yet another fine example of how unions are detrimental to the nation. *NM* - 01/08/2010 02:14:54 PM 220 Views
Also of how the election system is dreadful, though. *NM* - 01/08/2010 03:41:32 PM 198 Views
I agree with both of you. - 01/08/2010 06:30:22 PM 528 Views
To paraphrase Winston Churchill... - 01/08/2010 06:52:39 PM 549 Views
The man was a genius. - 01/08/2010 06:56:54 PM 515 Views
The man was a ^%^%*^%#$$#$#**! ^%$#%$! $$#$#! ^%^%! ^%(*! &&&(&**&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 02/08/2010 06:40:32 AM 586 Views
Hehe... - 03/08/2010 04:39:24 AM 542 Views
Re: Hehe... - 06/08/2010 01:44:51 AM 602 Views
Re: Hehe... - 06/08/2010 02:44:33 AM 504 Views
I'm really not so sure of that. - 01/08/2010 07:18:54 PM 520 Views
This. - 03/08/2010 08:23:35 AM 507 Views
You get in bed with cats (unions), you wake up with fleas. *NM* - 01/08/2010 05:03:58 PM 231 Views
They're impossible to avoid here. - 01/08/2010 06:35:37 PM 552 Views
Re: They're impossible to avoid here. - 03/08/2010 08:24:57 AM 662 Views
That truly sucks, man, sorry. - 02/08/2010 05:32:03 AM 619 Views
Thanks... - 03/08/2010 05:02:19 AM 631 Views
Now, then.... - 05/08/2010 02:09:34 PM 1004 Views
civil service unions are the worst - 02/08/2010 05:58:13 PM 578 Views
hey now. northern california isn't that flaky - 02/08/2010 09:36:57 PM 449 Views
I always considered the bay port of northern califonria - 02/08/2010 10:19:17 PM 506 Views
well i only actually know my family up there - 02/08/2010 10:39:24 PM 499 Views
well of course I wasn't refering them - 03/08/2010 02:34:20 AM 503 Views
and - 03/08/2010 05:58:13 AM 533 Views
Mostly alive... - 03/08/2010 06:01:48 AM 489 Views

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