Re: Do you suffer from nerd rage? Take this quiz and find out!
ßelals Girl Send a noteboard - 14/07/2010 11:06:28 PM
Answer the following questions as honestly as possible. Then add up your score and find out just how angry you really are.
For each "yes" give yourself one point.
1. Have you ever experienced a spike in your blood pressure when overhearing other people (especially strangers) getting their facts wrong when they talk about a science fiction story, game, or software?
Yes. I manage not to correct them though. Most of the time
2. Have you ever been permanently banned from an online forum for arguing about the right way to interpret a TV series, movie, or comic book?
Lol, no. I don't think I've ever been banned from a forum.
3. Have you ever argued for more than an hour straight over the merits of a piece of software or hardware? Give yourself two points if you were also arguing about open source vs. free software at the same time.
No. I wouldn't know where to begin
4. Is there only one right answer to the question, "Which Star Trek movie is the best?"
I wouldn't think so
5. Do you agree that it is impossible to fully appreciate the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy without reading the books?
Yes, but I feel that way about any adaptation. Knowing the source material makes the experience richer, but I think that you can appreciate adaptations on their own merit too
6. Have you ever broken something worth more than $20 after getting killed in a video game?
Thankfully, no. I've thrown a few controllers, but never broken any
7. "Apple sucks." "Apple rules." Are those fighting words?
zzz...uh, what? Nah.
8. Have you ever tried to punch somebody after arguing about Batman, Superman, or any Marvel Comics character?
No, but I've wanted to. It's tough being Carnage's only remaining fan
And yes, the fact that I am almost certainly makes people want to punch ME
9. Do you own a collectible whose loss or destruction would put you in an extremely, extremely bad mood that lasts for more than one day?
Yes. I've got a few rare My Little Ponies, a few chase action figures, and some vinyl figures from Kidrobot, and it would be difficult to replace them, since I'd have to scour ebay nowadays and pay ridiculous prices. So, of course, they're all put away in the closet now to keep them safe from Jens: The Cat Who Has Never Met a Plastic Thing He Didn't Want to Chew On.
10. Have you ever gotten into a friendship-ending fight with somebody over software, games, or science fiction?
lol, no
11. Have you ever screamed at somebody for more than five minutes for making a really bad move in a video game or RPG?
No. I usually have to try and calm down THEIR rage
12. Have you ever gotten so frustrated with a gadget or computer that you have thrown it across the room or out a window?
Heh...yes ' />
13. When somebody screws you over, do they deserve to have their email/Facebook/Twitter/blog account hacked? Not by you, of course, but by somebody who just happens to have your DNA and occupies the exact same spot as you do in space and time?
No. Even if I didn't think it was petty, I wouldn't have the slightest idea how to go about doing so
4-5 points: Touchy Geek
Woe to the person who finds herself on the wrong end of an argument with you about your favorite thing, whether that's New X-Men or the Android OS. You've got really strong opinions, and you're not afraid to share them. Even in a really quiet place where everybody is looking at you. Luckily, there are only a few things that really set you off.
Lol, I'm surprised I scored this high
Do you suffer from nerd rage? Take this quiz and find out!
14/07/2010 10:05:55 PM
At technically three, I am a Grumpy Fan.
14/07/2010 10:35:04 PM
Re: Do you suffer from nerd rage? Take this quiz and find out!
14/07/2010 11:06:28 PM
Nobody seriously thinks TOS is better than TNG, do they? I got 7. *NM*
14/07/2010 11:50:16 PM
of course it was *NM*
15/07/2010 06:06:01 AM
If you're looking for a laugh, sure, I guess. Stewart outperforms the entire TOS cast combined. *NM*
15/07/2010 06:42:13 AM
If you like a bunch of goody two shoe shoes running around teaching moral lesson I guess
15/07/2010 04:20:25 PM
This only covers certain TYPES of nerd rage. Hence, I only score a 3.
15/07/2010 12:15:12 AM
Huh, 0 points. I guess I should find some other website to visit. *NM*
15/07/2010 12:24:54 AM
Occasionally very violently, at other times not at all. I can be mellow!
15/07/2010 04:16:05 PM