when did the hulk get a family? the last i remeber is that his only family was she hulk.
The Hulk "Family" includes:
Bruce Banner - Hulk
Jennifer Walters, cousin - She-Hulk
Skaar, son (from another planet) (mother is Caiera the Oldstrong) - Skaar, son of Hulk
Lyra, daughter (from alternate future) (mother is Thundra) - also goes by She-Hulk
General Thunderbolt Ross, father-in-law - Red Hulk
Betty Ross (Banner), wife - Red She-Hulk
Rick Jones, friend - A-Bomb
Leonard Samson, psychiatrist - Doc Samson
There's also another dude named Hiro-Kala that's in a series called Son of Hulk, but he likely won't be appearing as part of the family because his story takes place separately on another world.
This message last edited by TaskmasterJack on 12/07/2010 at 09:43:40 PM
comic book fans
12/07/2010 03:58:11 PM
Re: comic book fans
12/07/2010 09:43:08 PM