Active Users:1116 Time:11/03/2025 07:26:20 PM
Re: That is just made up, I've not heard much at all of it this time, if any. p hart Send a noteboard - 21/06/2010 12:21:16 AM
Though that might be that I couldn't telly you a single thing anyone beyond Klinsmann and Seedorf have said, I either do something else or don't listen through the rubbish the rest of them come out with:P

More seriously (though what I said is actually true, it has been quite nice - it is easy to shut out Shearer in pariticular, all he says is "mumble, mumble, unfunny joke, mumble". Like Mark Lawrenson but with more mumbling)
I was just trying to give a reasoning why it was done, not that I agreed with it - the coverage bores the life out of me... it is part of why I enjoy the Winter Olympics... the pundits then can't even pretend anyone from here has a chance one or two events aside.

It's stupid things like last night i think it was linekar who said (paraphrase) "and Italy have New Zeland tomorrow they'd be more worried playing Jedward" (i had to look Jedward up and was even more pissed off to find it's some talent act). I could list every "idiotic" statement like that, cause some of my more bitter compatriots have made a list :P

The weird thing is they (especially Hansen) revel in the fact they don't know much, before the Slovenia/USA game, they were all laughing cause they didn't know anything about the players from Slovenia. I actually like Motson as an analyst as opposed to a commentator, he's very knowledgable.
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Can Scottish anti-English sentiment really be described as racist? - 19/06/2010 01:59:45 PM 940 Views
The Celtic race hating the Anglo-Saxon race isn't racist? - 19/06/2010 02:08:30 PM 554 Views
Nationalism. Duh. - 19/06/2010 02:19:47 PM 590 Views
Use a dictionary. Duh. - 19/06/2010 02:26:34 PM 545 Views
Duh. Shut up snoopcest - 19/06/2010 02:32:14 PM 562 Views
Duh-dsy! - 19/06/2010 02:33:12 PM 493 Views
Congrats *NM* - 19/06/2010 02:35:02 PM 223 Views
No one likes the English - 19/06/2010 02:47:22 PM 513 Views
I kind of like the English - 19/06/2010 02:58:24 PM 533 Views
Everyone does - 19/06/2010 03:00:26 PM 516 Views
Re: Everyone does - 19/06/2010 03:01:29 PM 540 Views
Re: Everyone does - 19/06/2010 03:04:27 PM 510 Views
Re: Everyone does - 19/06/2010 03:05:29 PM 617 Views
Re: Everyone does - 19/06/2010 03:16:57 PM 495 Views
Must be a pity like - 19/06/2010 03:02:48 PM 560 Views
Me too. *NM* - 19/06/2010 03:20:59 PM 221 Views
- 19/06/2010 03:32:49 PM 512 Views
But... There's a whole WORD for the love of the English! - 20/06/2010 07:06:16 AM 500 Views
England refers to the football team - 20/06/2010 10:52:14 PM 511 Views
That is just made up, I've not heard much at all of it this time, if any. - 20/06/2010 11:28:13 PM 501 Views
Re: That is just made up, I've not heard much at all of it this time, if any. - 21/06/2010 12:21:16 AM 504 Views
It's sort of like people in 49 of the states hating New Jersey. that doesn't make us racist. *NM* - 19/06/2010 02:33:49 PM 207 Views
It's not really like that, though. - 20/06/2010 04:30:44 PM 511 Views
I don't know; what does "race" mean to you? *NM* - 19/06/2010 03:04:33 PM 209 Views
What it means to most people, I should think. - 19/06/2010 03:08:07 PM 625 Views
British news and people are sometimes ignorant about the definition of race. - 19/06/2010 03:06:28 PM 572 Views
Yes! - 19/06/2010 03:29:37 PM 509 Views
It's not so much the definition of "race" as that of "racism". - 19/06/2010 03:45:24 PM 566 Views
Ethnocentrism - 19/06/2010 03:47:26 PM 576 Views
Bigotry. - 19/06/2010 03:47:52 PM 638 Views
As a matter of UK law, the answer is a clear yes. - 19/06/2010 08:47:22 PM 640 Views
Heh - 21/06/2010 01:44:16 PM 585 Views
Hmm - 21/06/2010 03:37:43 PM 644 Views

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