That wins the award for stupid post of the month. Possibly the year. - Edit 1
Before modification by Ghavrel at 09/06/2010 08:38:17 AM
Its kinda like the financial crisis on the east coast. I have friends who no longer could find finance jobs that went into fields like It, accounting and even event planning. you have to do what you can when the job you are used to isnt available and the unemployment runs out.
Yes, of course it's just like the financial crisis in the highly urbanized east coast. Small owns devoted to fishing and tourism don't have any fish to catch and no tourists are coming? Just go into the IT and accounting sector! Silly Cajuns, insisting on going out in their boats when there aren't any fish to catch. They should be doing... event planning? Really?
It's like reading the Onion, except apparently you're serious. Have you ever lived more than a mile away from a Starbucks?