I met an Israeli man at the airport last year that was on his way to Tel Aviv with his Lebanese wife and he was dreading the trip back because he gets so much shit every time because of who he is married to, and his wife has it even worse when she travels to Israel with him. And actually in Israel marriages between jews and other religions are not even recognized because they dont have civil marriages just religious ones, you have to go outside of the country to marry a non jew. I also read a story about how much trouble mixed faith couples have getting israeli citizenship and other benefits of being married to one of its citizens. The Cairo decision in my opinion is stupid but they have the right to do that i guess.
CAIRO (AFP) – A Cairo court on Saturday upheld a ruling to strip Egyptian men married to Israeli women of their citizenship in a case that has highlighted national sentiment towards Israel.
Judge Mohammed al-Husseini, sitting on the Supreme Administrative Court, said the interior ministry must ask the cabinet to take the necessary steps to strip Egyptian men married to Israeli women, and their children, of their citizenship.
The court said that each case should be considered separately, in a ruling that cannot be appealed.
The ruling reflects Egyptian sentiment towards Israel, more than 30 years after Egypt signed an unpopular peace deal with the Jewish state.
Before reading the verdict, Husseini said the case would not apply to Egyptian men married to Arab Israeli women.
"The case for (Egyptian) men married to Israeli Arab women is different to those married to Israeli women of Jewish origin because (Israeli Arabs) have lived under Israeli occupation," Husseini told the court.
"The court's decision is taking into account Egypt's national security," the judge said.
Lawyer Nabil al-Wahsh said he originally brought the case to court in order to prevent the creation of a generation "disloyal to Egypt and the Arab world."
Children of such marriages "should not be allowed to perform their military service," he said.
The number of Egyptian men married to Israeli women is thought to be around 30,000, according to Wahsh. Only 10 percent of them are married to Arab Israelis.
"This ruling is for the benefit of Egypt, a nation of leadership, history and civilisation," Wahsh said. "It is for the protection of Egypt and Egypt's youth and its national security."
"The decision comes as Israel continues its assault on those who love peace. The latest example is the aggression against the aid boat which was heading towards the blockaded Gaza Strip," he added.
On Monday, Israeli naval commandos raided a humanitarian flotilla carrying aid to the blockaded Gaza Strip, in a bungled operation that left nine pro-Palestinian activists dead and scores injured.
A lower court ruled last year that the interior minister must look into the cases of Egyptian men married to Israeli women, and their children, in order to "take the necessary steps to strip them of their nationality."
The interior and foreign ministries had appealed the case, saying it was for parliament to decide on such matters.
Thousands of Egyptians, particularly a large number who lived in Iraq and returned after the 1990 Gulf War over Kuwait, moved to Israel in search of work and married Israeli women.
In 1979, Egypt became the first Arab country to sign a peace deal with Israel.
Wow! Shame on Egypt. Pretty classless, especially considering they will let Arab-Israelis keep their citizenship but not Jewish Israelis. No, that's not blatant discrimination or anything. What's next? "You're no longer a citizen so now we have to deport you?" Sheesh!
Judge Mohammed al-Husseini, sitting on the Supreme Administrative Court, said the interior ministry must ask the cabinet to take the necessary steps to strip Egyptian men married to Israeli women, and their children, of their citizenship.
The court said that each case should be considered separately, in a ruling that cannot be appealed.
The ruling reflects Egyptian sentiment towards Israel, more than 30 years after Egypt signed an unpopular peace deal with the Jewish state.
Before reading the verdict, Husseini said the case would not apply to Egyptian men married to Arab Israeli women.
"The case for (Egyptian) men married to Israeli Arab women is different to those married to Israeli women of Jewish origin because (Israeli Arabs) have lived under Israeli occupation," Husseini told the court.
"The court's decision is taking into account Egypt's national security," the judge said.
Lawyer Nabil al-Wahsh said he originally brought the case to court in order to prevent the creation of a generation "disloyal to Egypt and the Arab world."
Children of such marriages "should not be allowed to perform their military service," he said.
The number of Egyptian men married to Israeli women is thought to be around 30,000, according to Wahsh. Only 10 percent of them are married to Arab Israelis.
"This ruling is for the benefit of Egypt, a nation of leadership, history and civilisation," Wahsh said. "It is for the protection of Egypt and Egypt's youth and its national security."
"The decision comes as Israel continues its assault on those who love peace. The latest example is the aggression against the aid boat which was heading towards the blockaded Gaza Strip," he added.
On Monday, Israeli naval commandos raided a humanitarian flotilla carrying aid to the blockaded Gaza Strip, in a bungled operation that left nine pro-Palestinian activists dead and scores injured.
A lower court ruled last year that the interior minister must look into the cases of Egyptian men married to Israeli women, and their children, in order to "take the necessary steps to strip them of their nationality."
The interior and foreign ministries had appealed the case, saying it was for parliament to decide on such matters.
Thousands of Egyptians, particularly a large number who lived in Iraq and returned after the 1990 Gulf War over Kuwait, moved to Israel in search of work and married Israeli women.
In 1979, Egypt became the first Arab country to sign a peace deal with Israel.
Wow! Shame on Egypt. Pretty classless, especially considering they will let Arab-Israelis keep their citizenship but not Jewish Israelis. No, that's not blatant discrimination or anything. What's next? "You're no longer a citizen so now we have to deport you?" Sheesh!
Aisha - formerly known as randschicka
Egypt to strip men married to Israelis of citizenship
06/06/2010 04:22:37 AM
not that it matters that much, but i'm pretty sure israel does not recognize them either
06/06/2010 04:46:02 AM
Why can't people just get along? *NM*
06/06/2010 05:20:48 AM
You tell 'em, Rodney! *NM*
07/06/2010 12:29:37 AM
yah, but they don't then declare the israeli a non-citizen, do they? *NM*
06/06/2010 09:16:15 AM
umm... no *NM*
06/06/2010 05:27:53 PM
youre saying thats not true?
06/06/2010 10:53:46 PM
There's a difference between not being able to marry in Israel, and not having it recognized.
06/06/2010 11:48:13 PM
eh you see it on both sides
06/06/2010 05:28:44 AM
What I wonder is who was suing the government to force them to do this against their will?
06/06/2010 09:25:19 AM
yes, because women are just dying to marry a wealthy Egyptian *NM*
06/06/2010 05:30:37 PM
Im sure there are plenty of golddiggers in Israel that woudl marry a wealthy Egyptian
06/06/2010 10:50:32 PM
Apparently there are about 30,000 Israeli women who married Egyptians, wealthy or otherwise.
07/06/2010 12:28:57 AM
Those are numbers quoted by the party that brought the case to court. FWIW. *NM*
07/06/2010 02:25:18 AM