Active Users:447 Time:21/02/2025 05:34:58 PM
The really big bucks is in server software as every business needs server software to run databases. everynametaken Send a noteboard - 27/05/2010 11:20:41 PM
Windows is not going to go away because something better comes along while that is a real threat for i-phone. Android devices are becoming more popular and could take a real bite out of the i-phone market in the next few years. Apple relies too much on just being cool and cool can change look at bell bottom pants and harvest gold appliances.

I know the only reason I have an i-pjhone is I got for $50 refurbed through AT&T.

In that area it is my understanding that unix/linux still holds the majority market share with Microsoft second. Apple is non-existent in business applications. So, I think their "value" is kind of misleading. They are a strong company no doubt but when it comes to the business world they have no footing.

As far as individual software for business needs goes I know a lot of people with cool iPhones (and they are very cool) who can't even use them for business because their companies MS based software won't sync with the iPhone. I don't see that changing any time soon. Right now Blackberry is still the most well supported business phone/tool. when it comes time to support either Android or iPhone who do you think the developers who write all the syncing software and applications are going to write for? My money is on supporting Android based phones before iPhones. It's funny, I know at least three people with iPhones that want to use them for business purposes but can't; instead they play their fun games and surf the net on them and then ask their bosses for a company Blackberry.
But wine was the great assassin of both tradition and propriety...
-Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings
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apple now bigger than microsoft - 27/05/2010 07:12:48 AM 904 Views
1. Hurrah! 2. I believe you are wrong... - 27/05/2010 08:39:22 AM 523 Views
Name five fortune five hundrend companies that run "entirely on Macs" *NM* - 27/05/2010 02:14:59 PM 244 Views
He can't. - 27/05/2010 11:33:40 PM 557 Views
There's hasn't been a company called Apple Computers for years now - 27/05/2010 02:15:40 PM 574 Views
Anything that can be done on Windows can be done on a Mac? Really? - 27/05/2010 03:01:01 PM 598 Views
Yes it will. - 27/05/2010 03:43:11 PM 636 Views
MacOS will run my PC? - 27/05/2010 04:02:43 PM 506 Views
Your stance is a little strange here... - 27/05/2010 08:33:19 PM 522 Views
It isn't hard to make a pc that boots mac - 27/05/2010 08:58:43 PM 550 Views
You can also create a virtual machine running OSX on Windows *NM* - 28/05/2010 05:10:30 AM 253 Views
Do you know why IT will not run virtualization? It is quite simple. - 27/05/2010 11:31:17 PM 526 Views
You can also run OSX on Windows. So what? *NM* - 28/05/2010 05:08:09 AM 239 Views
there is no equivalent apple product to microsoft exchange - 27/05/2010 07:58:04 PM 502 Views
iDon't approve - 27/05/2010 08:43:38 AM 486 Views
-tortures- *NM* - 27/05/2010 08:46:30 AM 232 Views
*touches* *NM* - 27/05/2010 08:47:50 AM 213 Views
nooo! - 27/05/2010 10:06:21 AM 690 Views
steam is now available for mac - 27/05/2010 08:04:34 PM 524 Views
Have you tried playing steam on a mac? - 27/05/2010 09:00:06 PM 553 Views
what's steam? *NM* - 27/05/2010 11:22:38 PM 241 Views
steam is a giant gaming website - 28/05/2010 02:38:23 AM 776 Views
Steam is itunes for games, same idea, same business model *NM* - 28/05/2010 06:04:00 AM 228 Views
Not only the consumer market though.. - 27/05/2010 10:26:50 AM 559 Views
that's becoming less true though..... - 27/05/2010 08:01:17 PM 478 Views
Hmmmm.... - 28/05/2010 02:50:54 AM 531 Views
Microsoft is stil in better posistion - 27/05/2010 02:25:09 PM 576 Views
Re: Microsoft is stil in better posistion - 27/05/2010 07:52:48 PM 507 Views
The really big bucks is in server software as every business needs server software to run databases. - 27/05/2010 11:20:41 PM 543 Views
what can't they run on iphones? - 28/05/2010 02:41:18 AM 455 Views
Yeah, but their founders claimed to be bigger than Jesus and I didn't believe that either. - 27/05/2010 02:50:00 PM 545 Views
True, Apple is definitely moving in the "Evil Empire" direction. - 27/05/2010 08:36:55 PM 436 Views
Moving? They arrived years ago. *NM* - 27/05/2010 08:41:05 PM 228 Views
Re: True, Apple is definitely moving in the "Evil Empire" direction. - 28/05/2010 12:04:54 AM 471 Views
Re: apple now bigger than microsoft - 27/05/2010 07:49:25 PM 492 Views

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