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Re: And where does the rest of the money come from? random thoughts Send a noteboard - 27/05/2010 10:58:59 PM
You said Bush's war spending had doubled the national deficit. I know some people use rhetoric so often they sometimes throw it out there without actually thinking about what it means but since the basis of your argument was the 300 billion was a drop in bucket compared to the military spending I think it is a bit of key factor. If you use the more realistic number of 700 billion for the war it turns into a pretty damn big drop and your argument falls apart.

War Spending: Spending during a Time of War. Doesn't necessarily mean every cent went to bullets still being fired. Governments do not simply stop running their countries when they have a war on their hands, whatever FEMA may have told you.

If you look at the deficit under Bush a lot of it came simply from lost tax revenue after the Clinton tax bubble burst and a big part of it was drug benefits for senior citizens. The war was expensive but to claim it is the reason the deficient rose high is simply untrue. Also since most of that money was spent domestically you would think it would have provided some of that stimulus affect you are giving Obama credit for since engineers at Lockheed spend their paychecks at Walmart just like teachers do. (I know this to be fact because I worked there during the war;))

But ok, that is probably bad writing on my part. My meaning was that Bush's financial policies during a period when he was also incurring massive (unbudgeted) military spending led to the leap. The leap happened on his watch, there is no doubt of that.

There is no doubt the national debt has been growing for some time but that real spike came when Obama took office. Yes the overheated economy of the late 90s gave us a very brief surplus but beyond that the deficit has been growing for decades. Look at the chart I linked that shows the deficit as a percentage of GDP (the only real measure of debt) and you will see an increase starting in the 80’s (yes that was during Regan) and the a big jump when Obama cam into office. The only other jump that even compares is the WWII. Some small part was caused by a loss in GDP true but a lot was just increased spending.

But let's talk direct war spending. The 2010 budget, which is the first to directly cover spending for the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, puts this years spending FOR THOSE SPECIFIC CONFLICTS at 663.8 Billion dollars. This is just direct costs of that conflict, however, maintaining troops in combat, etc. VA support is budgeted elsewhere. Spending for the rest of the war came in supplementary spending bills, which were not on the budget, which is one great reason why Bush's Budget may have looked more balanced. Great way to balance the budget, just don't count certain expenditures for the war effort.

As was pointed out by Legolas you are counting all DOD spending as direct war spending. The spending for the war was done with supplemental spending outside the normal budget. The are some valid reasons to criticize that approach but not to call all military spending as spending on the war. A lot of the DOD spending was on things the Pentagon didn’t even want but the people like John Murtha pushed because it sent a lot of money to their state. Fighting this sort of spending by the way is one area I give Obama a lot of credit for that. Doesn’t offset the other increases but it is still a positive.

Look, I am not arguing that the debt is not a big problem, merely that the numbers are far more complicated than the article makes them out to be. 600 Billion a year (give or take for ebb and flow of related expenses) makes a HUGE chunk of change in the end, and a great deal of that spending is off the books. That the conflicts are now actually being budgeted points to a rise in fiscal responsibility, rather than a decline.

I agree that the putting conflicts inside the budget is a good thing and I even support heavy cust to the DOD budget (better that then NASA) but I don’t think you can support the idea that increased military spending dwarfs increased domestic spending. Look at the chart I linked and massive jump in debt since 2008. The war was to borrow a phrase a drop in the bucket on that massive increase.
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US Debt Hits $13T - But Spending Spree in DC Continues..... - 26/05/2010 05:09:48 PM 985 Views
Look who finally remembered they oppose federal deficits. - 26/05/2010 05:26:30 PM 601 Views
Silly Joel.....please find the posts where I supported GWB's deficit spending. - 26/05/2010 05:35:13 PM 654 Views
hmmm - 26/05/2010 05:40:49 PM 599 Views
I thought overthrowing Saddam was fine.....and it worked out very well. - 26/05/2010 06:37:31 PM 576 Views
I'll take what comfort I can from this. - 26/05/2010 06:45:53 PM 659 Views
"They" plural. - 26/05/2010 05:45:48 PM 822 Views
you are so full of crap - 26/05/2010 05:59:47 PM 625 Views
Oh, they weren't silent; they were quite vocal in their endorsement of the Iraq war. - 26/05/2010 06:03:51 PM 863 Views
more ranting doesn't support your argument - 26/05/2010 06:17:22 PM 783 Views
I'll respond to the coherent part of that. - 26/05/2010 06:30:07 PM 794 Views
I wish ... - 26/05/2010 06:57:30 PM 775 Views
Is the NYT any better pieces slandering McCain and his wife before an election? - 26/05/2010 07:16:58 PM 644 Views
I don't know those articles specifically. - 26/05/2010 08:27:44 PM 703 Views
These days I typically just say, "Fox. " - 27/05/2010 03:48:40 PM 807 Views
You mean you will repsond to part that you like and ignore the part you don't because of a typo - 26/05/2010 07:18:03 PM 716 Views
Actually, I think it was a pretty thorough response. - 27/05/2010 03:57:55 PM 800 Views
then let me make is simpler - 27/05/2010 07:23:19 PM 792 Views
I'll give Joel a little hand here... - 26/05/2010 09:14:27 PM 810 Views
commas are so over rated - 26/05/2010 10:50:57 PM 603 Views
I find this image to describe the deficits pretty useful - 27/05/2010 01:56:29 AM 571 Views
Here is the problem with this kind of reporting... - 27/05/2010 07:12:34 AM 707 Views
Correct - 27/05/2010 02:11:47 PM 570 Views
The problem with that kind of logic is it is wrong - 27/05/2010 02:19:37 PM 605 Views
Yes, that would be wrong. - 27/05/2010 03:35:30 PM 613 Views
Based on Obama's budget, he will add more to the debt over the next 10 years..... - 27/05/2010 04:10:45 PM 534 Views
Increasing the debt is a problem, yes. - 27/05/2010 07:55:04 PM 907 Views
At least we agree that you are wrong because that is what you said - 27/05/2010 06:50:43 PM 555 Views
And where does the rest of the money come from? - 27/05/2010 08:12:31 PM 700 Views
No, that's for the entire Department of Defense. - 27/05/2010 08:25:28 PM 599 Views
using those numbers the war appears to be about half a drop in the bucket *NM* - 27/05/2010 08:37:31 PM 313 Views
I wouldn't call it a drop in the bucket... - 27/05/2010 09:03:43 PM 813 Views
yeah I was just being a smart ass - 27/05/2010 11:09:37 PM 818 Views
Re: And where does the rest of the money come from? - 27/05/2010 10:58:59 PM 711 Views
I interpreted it as saying... - 27/05/2010 02:22:13 PM 1062 Views
Hmmm... - 27/05/2010 03:41:15 PM 626 Views

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