Re: /Surveyish? Sex question for heterosexual men, so beware.
Ectheledhel Send a noteboard - 24/05/2010 05:05:39 PM
1} Do you enjoy getting head? Yes
2} Do you enjoy doing the same for a woman? No.
a) Why? Taste.
b)Why the hell not? As above.
c)Do you think it is fair for a man to ask a woman to go down on him and then refuse to reciprocate? Hell yeah, fuck equality.
3) Do you think womens genitalia are dirtier then mens, if so why? Not dirtier, just more secretions. Skin may not taste great, but it doesn't taste bad when clean. The only bad taste could be the actual semen which you need not necessarily taste, women however secrete lubrication (among other things) when aroused. And while I have had one instance where it was actually a pleasant taste, in all others it has gone horribly in the other direction.
4) How long will it take for this post to be deleted? Hell if I know.
5)For the Grammar Nazis: Which is the correct possessive women's or womens, men's or mens? Womens/Mens wouldn't it be? I mean the ' is to indicate a missing letter, women is doesn't make any sense. Mind you the english language isn't logical.
2} Do you enjoy doing the same for a woman? No.
a) Why? Taste.
b)Why the hell not? As above.
c)Do you think it is fair for a man to ask a woman to go down on him and then refuse to reciprocate? Hell yeah, fuck equality.
3) Do you think womens genitalia are dirtier then mens, if so why? Not dirtier, just more secretions. Skin may not taste great, but it doesn't taste bad when clean. The only bad taste could be the actual semen which you need not necessarily taste, women however secrete lubrication (among other things) when aroused. And while I have had one instance where it was actually a pleasant taste, in all others it has gone horribly in the other direction.
4) How long will it take for this post to be deleted? Hell if I know.
5)For the Grammar Nazis: Which is the correct possessive women's or womens, men's or mens? Womens/Mens wouldn't it be? I mean the ' is to indicate a missing letter, women is doesn't make any sense. Mind you the english language isn't logical.
/Surveyish? Sex question for heterosexual men, so beware.
23/05/2010 05:22:43 AM
You're obviously dating the wrong men
23/05/2010 06:56:24 AM
23/05/2010 07:11:27 PM
There might be something there - I'm not attracted to big strong manly men
24/05/2010 08:43:12 AM
*wonders how long it will take a guy to post a survey asking girls about blow jobs* *NM*
23/05/2010 08:15:09 AM
*shudders* *NM*
23/05/2010 01:19:52 PM
You don't enjoy getting head? *NM*
23/05/2010 06:22:45 PM
Wouldn't care if it ever happened again if I had to get my mouth anywhere near lady parts to get it. *NM*
23/05/2010 06:50:55 PM
If one accepts the use of apostrophes in possessives, "men's" and "women's. "
23/05/2010 07:40:31 PM
Re: /Surveyish? Sex question for heterosexual men, so beware.
24/05/2010 05:05:39 PM