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Took me a moment Birdeye Send a noteboard - 09/05/2010 09:48:09 PM
2 + 3 = 10
7 + 2 = 63
6 + 5 = 66
8 + 4 = 96
9 + 7 = ???

It struck me when I looked closely at the second line, and thought: "Okay, 7+2=9... so what times 9=63? Well, 7. Hmm, we have one of those already. Let's see if the pattern holds. 6+5=11, and 6 times 11=66. Yay."

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A Logic Problem - 09/05/2010 09:24:36 PM 1114 Views
I despise these sorts of problems (spoiler) - 09/05/2010 09:38:41 PM 831 Views
that is correct (now no looking ahead, cheaters ) *NM* - 09/05/2010 09:43:35 PM 376 Views
Based on the view count I would say at least half the people have decided to cheat *NM* - 09/05/2010 09:52:42 PM 373 Views
Totally cheated - 10/05/2010 04:05:30 AM 703 Views
Took me a moment - 09/05/2010 09:48:09 PM 635 Views
Re: A Logic Problem - 09/05/2010 09:54:52 PM 643 Views
Oh yeah. - 09/05/2010 10:08:48 PM 762 Views
Not bad. Try this one. - 09/05/2010 10:21:42 PM 793 Views
i couldn't begin to tell you - 09/05/2010 10:29:09 PM 753 Views
That's going to bug me for ages now. - 09/05/2010 11:48:07 PM 709 Views
It is a lot harder, and you probably are . - 09/05/2010 11:53:26 PM 734 Views
You would need a good base in math to figure it out. *NM* - 10/05/2010 12:03:09 AM 394 Views
That... that was either brilliant or terrible. *NM* - 10/05/2010 12:10:12 AM 334 Views
It was a definite hint. - 10/05/2010 12:26:41 AM 734 Views
*NM* - 10/05/2010 12:25:03 AM 356 Views
Yeah, probably 99.9% of people won't get this, but it has less to do with patterns I think (spoiler) - 10/05/2010 12:21:06 AM 728 Views
This is correct. (spoiler obviously) - 10/05/2010 12:25:02 AM 700 Views
Right. I guess I might've found that eventually. - 10/05/2010 12:29:57 AM 735 Views
I never like base change ones, let me see if I can remember one... - 10/05/2010 01:28:06 AM 764 Views
To save confusion, anyone who gets that just give it in base 10 *NM* - 10/05/2010 01:52:45 AM 382 Views
Answer (Spoiler) - 10/05/2010 03:09:18 PM 743 Views
Wow. I though the answer would be - 10/05/2010 09:22:15 PM 699 Views
Re: I hated this stuff in school, and always skipped it. - 10/05/2010 06:59:02 PM 737 Views
The one you got was poorly written. - 10/05/2010 01:37:26 AM 773 Views
I agree - 10/05/2010 01:59:15 AM 728 Views
Cake. - 10/05/2010 01:53:32 AM 720 Views
I cheated. - 10/05/2010 02:54:58 AM 758 Views
Heh, that's what I did too - 10/05/2010 05:20:47 PM 684 Views
Re: I might for Tim's. - 10/05/2010 06:55:12 PM 695 Views
Easy stuff - 10/05/2010 03:15:55 AM 910 Views
Ths is not a logic problem. It's a puzzle. - 10/05/2010 02:33:19 PM 622 Views
Re: No no, there's a definite pattern. - 10/05/2010 06:50:01 PM 640 Views
ok, how do you analyze the problem? - 10/05/2010 08:08:21 PM 757 Views
Re: ok, how do you analyze the problem? - 10/05/2010 09:14:48 PM 656 Views
Here's how I thought of it. - 10/05/2010 10:20:10 PM 740 Views
thanks for the explanation. and a reminder that I LOATHE that kind of stuff. *NM* - 10/05/2010 10:26:32 PM 393 Views
no problem - 10/05/2010 10:28:29 PM 724 Views
Thanks for the tip! *NM* - 10/05/2010 10:39:02 PM 369 Views
Re: Mine's fairly similar. - 10/05/2010 10:51:13 PM 713 Views
I got that. - 10/05/2010 11:07:11 PM 685 Views
yah yah i know i know - 11/05/2010 12:07:58 AM 748 Views
orly? - 11/05/2010 01:44:23 AM 801 Views
Umm... okay. - 11/05/2010 05:27:37 PM 705 Views

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