I think I know her a little more than she does me. Like I said, I don't talk much.
Umm... We sit at the same desk for an hour on Wednesdays when my supervisor needs that day off. And for about five minutes on Saturdays when she's picking up equipment for a satellite broadcast. I take it that's not quite enough, is it?
Yes... Coffee could work, being that there's a Timmy's right across the street.
Now that you mention it, I've noticed that few of my movie dates have worked out well. Comedy club is a good idea, though. Don't know why I haven't thought of that for a first date before...
Ie, do you talk frequently at all?
Umm... We sit at the same desk for an hour on Wednesdays when my supervisor needs that day off. And for about five minutes on Saturdays when she's picking up equipment for a satellite broadcast. I take it that's not quite enough, is it?
Asking her out for something more serious if you don't would probably seem a tad odd. Now, if at some point you're both working together and you suggest grabbing coffee or lunch together, that'd probably be the easiest ice breaker - ie, do something you'd both be doing anyway, but together, and get to know one another. Let things flow naturally from there.
Yes... Coffee could work, being that there's a Timmy's right across the street.
If you do talk frequently and know one another then yeah, I'd say just go ahead and ask if she wants to go do something. Movies kinda suck for first dates, though. Maybe a comedy club? Plenty of time to chit chat before the comedian comes on stage, and then you're off the hook, and it's unique enough an outing that you don't seem cliched?
Now that you mention it, I've noticed that few of my movie dates have worked out well. Comedy club is a good idea, though. Don't know why I haven't thought of that for a first date before...
soilent brad is PEOPLE!
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = EM2C <-- Define it!
"Uh...we don't support the Hannah Montana empire."
- My 6 year old niece
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = EM2C <-- Define it!
"Uh...we don't support the Hannah Montana empire."
- My 6 year old niece
So the hot girl at work is single. What to do...?
03/05/2010 11:02:31 PM
How well do you actually know her?
03/05/2010 11:07:21 PM
Hmm... you've a point there.
03/05/2010 11:45:36 PM
The reason cinema dates are bad is because you can't talk.
04/05/2010 12:24:33 PM
Learn to talk.
04/05/2010 01:35:46 AM
I'm much more talkative than when I first found wotmania 8 years ago
04/05/2010 02:40:46 AM
Um. That already sounds like an awkward date.
04/05/2010 01:52:45 AM
Possibly, yes
04/05/2010 02:10:27 AM
Not really ... I love this girl I work with and she's the exact opposite of me ...
04/05/2010 06:30:44 AM
Movie and then to a cafe/pub/something not-dinnery afterwards
04/05/2010 10:59:05 AM
Not to sound too harsh...
04/05/2010 10:24:36 PM
I'm an extreme introvert, and can be socially inept even around some of my closest friends/family
05/05/2010 12:30:46 AM