I'm familiar with the Rasmussen poll - Edit 2
Before modification by Libby at 28/04/2010 11:37:00 PM
So either almost every single white person in the state supports that law or there are a fair number of Hispanics who support it as well. I think the most twisted bit of logic here is that illegal immigration has grown the Hispanic population to such a s size that it is no longer in our best interest to slow it down because they have become such a large voting block. I do wonder if democrats would feel the same way if Hispanics were voting 60% republican instead of the other way around. More poor uneducated people means more support for the democratic party.
Well, you made a claim in your last response that 80% of the country is "cheering them on." I'm not sure where you got that number from. Now if we're talking about state numbers, that's a different story.
If all poor and uneducated people supported the Democratic party, then we'd have a stranglehold on all of Appalachia. Trust me, I wish that was the case, but unfortunately it isn't. As for the demographics and party affiliation, I don't know what you want me to say in regards to that. The demographic reality is what it is, the minority in the country is going to be majority in about 20 or 40 years time according to current trends. In terms of political party, President Bush made strong inroads and got results for the Republicans in regards to the latino/hispanic demographic, although his own party ended up undoing all that in subsequent elections.
I don't put much faith in studies done by liberal groups who are out to support and argument. Real science doesn’t have a political agenda and the group you sited does.
If all of the illegal immigrants were to leave Arizona at once it would upset the system and cause problems but that isn't going to happen. They could see a significant decrease and they would not suffer from it. Keep in mind one of the biggest problems and the one this law is aimed at is not the people who have been there for years and are contributing to the economy but the transits who are just passing through headed further north and the people involved in smuggling.
If Arizona can drive the new immigrants to New Mexico and California they can loose a lot of the problems that come with them and that should more then make up for the extra arrest.
Sorry but I call BS that this is going have a negative impact on Arizona tourism. If voting against MLK day didn’t hurt I don’t how this will. There may be people expressing concern but those people are concerned for living. I would want to see a real impact on tourism before I believed this has any real impact
If all of the illegal immigrants were to leave Arizona at once it would upset the system and cause problems but that isn't going to happen. They could see a significant decrease and they would not suffer from it. Keep in mind one of the biggest problems and the one this law is aimed at is not the people who have been there for years and are contributing to the economy but the transits who are just passing through headed further north and the people involved in smuggling.
If Arizona can drive the new immigrants to New Mexico and California they can loose a lot of the problems that come with them and that should more then make up for the extra arrest.
Sorry but I call BS that this is going have a negative impact on Arizona tourism. If voting against MLK day didn’t hurt I don’t how this will. There may be people expressing concern but those people are concerned for living. I would want to see a real impact on tourism before I believed this has any real impact
I guess we'll find out, at this point you and I are just trading back and forth what might and might not happen. We'll just have to wait and see.
You do need a certain number of low paid labors to keep an economy going but we can check that one off because the mob who run up to truck every time I pull into Loews leads me to believe there isn’t a shortage. As for property values that make me chuckle, can you point to an area where property values rose as the result of large numbers of Hispanics moving into the area?
Um, I didn't say anything about property values. I talked about federal services used by Households headed by documented and undocumented immigrants
Edit - Oh, I see, your referring to my comment on Property tax. It's still loss revenue regardless.