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It's SLOW. And ugly.

Reported by: Aeryn

Type: Change Request

Status: Won't fix

Created: 02/09/2009 05:52:37 PM

The pages are slow. And ugly. I know the idea was to keep the look of old wotmania, and it's close, but a little off. Like a mutant or a zombie. Now I see what a lot of people have been saying about wotmania design: it's very outdated. It looks old, it feels old. Yet I never noticed it until the problem was magnified on this site. The folders are far too indented.

Ben, scrap this thing. Make a regular board (the popular type) with a few modifications: not too many sub-boards (the worst thing), make the threaded look default (where you see the replies the way they are on the MB now).
Re: It's SLOW. And ugly.
I don't think this is exactly a very helpful change request. The design is probably going to stay the way it is for a good while as Ben deals with more important functionality issues and fixes bugs. It's quite nice having it so close to wotmania as it doesn't feel like a massive switch when wotmania shut down.

The message board layout is how a lot of people like it here and I'm sure will be improved upon in the future...I don't know what you mean by a regular board that's the popular type as how it is at the moment seems pretty popular to me.

I'm surprised you say it's slow though - everything's been loading MUCH more quickly for me than wotmania has for a long time.

How about you rephrase your change request to something that doesn't sound so rude - telling Ben to scrap something he's just spent months working on, using up all of his free time (as well as some of his work time I'm sure) because you don't like it that much is not a-ok by me.
::claps for zeeb::
Much nicer than the response I had in mind.
I'm with Zeeb.
The pages here are loading faster for me than anything on wotmania has loaded in years.

I've noticed that the folders are indented a little more than they were on wotmania, but for me at least that's not even close to being an issue. I think the site looks good, and I also think it's how most people here like things.
Alright, good idea.
The pages are slow. And ugly. I know the idea was to keep the look of old wotmania, and it's close, but a little off. Like a mutant or a zombie. Now I see what a lot of people have been saying about wotmania design: it's very outdated. It looks old, it feels old. Yet I never noticed it until the problem was magnified on this site. The folders are far too indented.

Ben, scrap this thing. Make a regular board (the popular type) with a few modifications: not too many sub-boards (the worst thing), make the threaded look default (where you see the replies the way they are on the MB now).

Even though this site runs faster than wotmania ever did, let's scrap Ben's months of work and COMPLETELY redesign a website (that shouldn't take too long right?) just to satisfy your whims.
Re: It's SLOW. And ugly.
The pages are slow. And ugly. I know the idea was to keep the look of old wotmania, and it's close, but a little off. Like a mutant or a zombie. Now I see what a lot of people have been saying about wotmania design: it's very outdated. It looks old, it feels old. Yet I never noticed it until the problem was magnified on this site. The folders are far too indented.

It's not ugly, I love Bens design, I like how it just differs from wotmania. And the mb are the very reason alot of people are here.
Zeeb is too nice
I was going to go with "fuck you". Now I can't, because a standard of rational response has been set.
I <3 you, Camilla. *NM*
The pages are slow. And ugly. I know the idea was to keep the look of old wotmania, and it's close, but a little off. Like a mutant or a zombie. Now I see what a lot of people have been saying about wotmania design: it's very outdated. It looks old, it feels old. Yet I never noticed it until the problem was magnified on this site. The folders are far too indented.

Ben, scrap this thing. Make a regular board (the popular type) with a few modifications: not too many sub-boards (the worst thing), make the threaded look default (where you see the replies the way they are on the MB now).
Re: It's SLOW. And ugly.
Ben, scrap this thing. Make a regular board (the popular type) with a few modifications: not too many sub-boards (the worst thing), make the threaded look default (where you see the replies the way they are on the MB now).

I don't know what you mean by a regular board that's the popular type as how it is at the moment seems pretty popular to me.

I think this person means a message board where all the responses are just thrown up on a page and you have to desipher who is talking to whom. Kinda like the message board my wife frequents. She sees me surfing this site (and WoTMania in the past) and said she doesn't know how I can stand clicking on every link to another message in the discussion. I just tell her that this way I know EXACTLY what is being said to whom without having to follow every message on the board. Especially the messages that have hundreds (or at least dozens) of responses. I want this site to keep the message board EXACTLY how it is (not including modifications and the such of course).

P.S. Keep up the great work Ben.

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