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Journal Search

Reported by: heartbreak

Type: Bug

Status: Complete

Created: 31/08/2009 01:22:42 PM

The journal search will bring up a list of journal posts by a chosen user, but when clicking the post link the following message comes up.

"I've looked everywhere, but I can't find the page!

Sorry, it looks like you've requested a page that either doesn't exist or you can't view.

Try taking a look through the menu on the left over there and choose where to go next. If you can't decide, pick a link at random!"
The journal search will bring up a list of journal posts by a chosen user, but when clicking the post link the following message comes up.

"I've looked everywhere, but I can't find the page!

Sorry, it looks like you've requested a page that either doesn't exist or you can't view.

Try taking a look through the menu on the left over there and choose where to go next. If you can't decide, pick a link at random!"

It seems to be using the userid of the logged in user and not the one who wrote the journal.
Fixed, *NM*
The journal search will bring up a list of journal posts by a chosen user, but when clicking the post link the following message comes up.

"I've looked everywhere, but I can't find the page!

Sorry, it looks like you've requested a page that either doesn't exist or you can't view.

Try taking a look through the menu on the left over there and choose where to go next. If you can't decide, pick a link at random!"

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