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Fb link

Reported by: malekithe

Type: Change Request

Status: Won't fix

Created: 05/12/2010 09:23:07 AM

Please, please PLEASE don't keep that fb 'Like' link on here. This is one of the only sites I can go to and have fun without seeing them plastered everywhere, and every time I see that link I want to vomit. I just hate seeing that site on your site.

Fb is a really nasty site, with a nasty devious owner who thinks it's hilarious that all us 'idiots' give him our information. I don't like the even thought of connecting this great site with his megalomaniacal big brother attitude.
Re: Fb link
I actually kind of agree here...I really can't stand facebook! I think you did a great job on the button, it looks great, and if it's functionality people want then that's great too. Would it be possible to have it as an option? I know it seems like a small thing, but that little button bugs the crap out of me at the top of every single post!
Re: Fb link
Please, please PLEASE don't keep that fb 'Like' link on here. This is one of the only sites I can go to and have fun without seeing them plastered everywhere, and every time I see that link I want to vomit. I just hate seeing that site on your site.

Fb is a really nasty site, with a nasty devious owner who thinks it's hilarious that all us 'idiots' give him our information. I don't like the even thought of connecting this great site with his megalomaniacal big brother attitude.

Yes! Yes! Please, PLEASE listen to him, I cant stand that this site is getting invaded by that site. It really makes me question coming on here to relax and having to see that, over and over and over again. I really despise that site more than words can say. I've had a lot of terrible experiences with them and them selling/distributing me and my friend's information.

They are soo big brother, they make the government look like Bambi.
Re: Fb link
Easy there, mate! I don't think I buy into any of this 'big brother' bull; social networking in general just gets on my nerves! Facebook seems to be everywhere I look these days. Any time I do anything, there seems to be a little button or ad suggesting I tell my friends on Facebook about it. Every time I see one of those buttons, I die a little bit inside!

Having said that, this is Ben's site and I'm sure the Facebook link took a lot of time and effort on his part. If it's a huge bother to make the functionality an option, then I understand that's not in his interests. All I ask is that if it's a quick fix that he takes us anti-facebookers into account! =)
Re: Fb link
Please, please PLEASE don't keep that fb 'Like' link on here. This is one of the only sites I can go to and have fun without seeing them plastered everywhere, and every time I see that link I want to vomit. I just hate seeing that site on your site.

Fb is a really nasty site, with a nasty devious owner who thinks it's hilarious that all us 'idiots' give him our information. I don't like the even thought of connecting this great site with his megalomaniacal big brother attitude.

Everyone on the net can have it, I just dont want to see it here, I HATE them.
They're here to stay, I'm afraid.
This website needs traffic to survive, and one of the best ways to get additional traffic is to allow users to easily share pages at RAFO with their friends on facebook.

The links are fairly unobtrusive, but I'm going to consider making hiding the facebook links a premium option.

This ticket will be closed for the time being.
Re: Fb link *NM*
Please, please PLEASE don't keep that fb 'Like' link on here. This is one of the only sites I can go to and have fun without seeing them plastered everywhere, and every time I see that link I want to vomit. I just hate seeing that site on your site.

Fb is a really nasty site, with a nasty devious owner who thinks it's hilarious that all us 'idiots' give him our information. I don't like the even thought of connecting this great site with his megalomaniacal big brother attitude.

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