Unable to post or reply using Google Chrome
Reported by: Kel
Type: Bug
Status: New
Created: 25/10/2010 02:55:50 PM
I've been unable to post a new topic or reply to a topic on the Community message board, using the Google Chrome browser.
I have not tried the other boards.
Thank you.
I have not tried the other boards.
Thank you.
It's gotta be something on your end.
I've been unable to post a new topic or reply to a topic on the Community message board, using the Google Chrome browser.
I have not tried the other boards.
Thank you.
I have not tried the other boards.
Thank you.
I've used Chrome since the beginning of RAFO, and I know others have too.
I've used it in the past too..
Which is why I found it as weird.
When I click "submit", it brings me back to a screen where it shows the Topic as red and the Category as red too.
When I click "submit", it brings me back to a screen where it shows the Topic as red and the Category as red too.
That is strange
I've been unable to post a new topic or reply to a topic on the Community message board, using the Google Chrome browser.
I have not tried the other boards.
Thank you.
I have not tried the other boards.
Thank you.
I use Chrome as well and it is working fine. You're sure you're selecting a category for your post right?

If you are sure you aren't leaving the Topic and Category blank,
Then the only thing I can think to tell you is to delete your cookies and start again, see if that helps.
Do other browsers work?
Do other browsers work?
I have the same issue.
I'm using the Dev build for Chrome, so that probably has something to do with it. Other browsers work fine. Gher and BlackAdder, what version of Chrome are you using?
Normal unleaded.
I'm not using the beta or the Dev, just the regular version.
If that's not the issue, it could be an extension. The only one I've got running full-time is AdBlock, which obviously isn't giving me any problems, maybe you guys have one running that's interfering with RAFO?
If that's not the issue, it could be an extension. The only one I've got running full-time is AdBlock, which obviously isn't giving me any problems, maybe you guys have one running that's interfering with RAFO?
I'm using the simple, normal download version.
I'm choosing a category, and there is text in the topic field.
It works fine when I use the IE Tab extension, works fine in IE, and works fine in Firefox. I even tried a complete wipe of Chrome, uninstalling the browser and all associated data, with no luck.
For now, i'm just using the IE Tab extension to post.
It works fine when I use the IE Tab extension, works fine in IE, and works fine in Firefox. I even tried a complete wipe of Chrome, uninstalling the browser and all associated data, with no luck.
For now, i'm just using the IE Tab extension to post.
try the show/hide different username. if there's anything there, remove it. *NM*
Looks like it worked. I expanded the username section and my password was not there. It looks like that is the issue.
Thank you, jh
I expanded the show/hide and the wrong password was there. Cool beans.