Active Users:991 Time:11/03/2025 07:03:50 PM
I would suggest... Kylia Skydancer Send a noteboard - 03/04/2010 08:49:13 AM
...that you skip gardens of the Moon and read Deadhouse Gates instead. I personally adore the series but I will admit that the first one isn't nearly as good as the others. A large reason for this is that gotm came out years and years before the rest and in the intervening years, Erikson became a much better author.

As mentioned before, the books have sort of an alternating schedule when it comes to characters. Gotm follows the bridgeburners pretty religiously but DG only hs a few of those characters and in much more minor roles. It instead has a new bevy of characters it follows. One doesn't really properly get back to the bridgeburners until book three.

What I would suggest is you read deadhouse gates. If yo like that and think the books are worth pursuing, to back and read gardens and then go to book three.
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Malazan Book of the Fallen Overall Story - 29/03/2010 02:11:27 AM 997 Views
Still no story?! - 29/03/2010 03:58:50 AM 691 Views
Oh, and....FIRST. - 29/03/2010 03:59:02 AM 654 Views
Re: Still no story?! - 29/03/2010 02:24:55 PM 708 Views
Well, I haven't started DoD yet, but... - 29/03/2010 09:07:19 AM 666 Views
You haven't read "Return of the Crimson Guard", have you? *spoiler alert to RotCG and DoD* - 29/03/2010 04:40:45 PM 732 Views
Oh ya! - 30/03/2010 09:57:50 AM 660 Views
Re: Oh ya! - 30/03/2010 03:08:41 PM 664 Views
According to Erikson, there is no plot as such - 29/03/2010 06:02:01 PM 798 Views
I bought Gardens of the Moon some time ago - 29/03/2010 06:42:30 PM 686 Views
If you're not even remotely interested by the end of book two, give up. - 29/03/2010 06:51:18 PM 638 Views
Re: If you're not even remotely interested by the end of book two, give up. - 29/03/2010 08:46:04 PM 577 Views
Hm. - 29/03/2010 10:46:13 PM 641 Views
Re: Hm. - 30/03/2010 03:07:36 AM 514 Views
It is really just about your personal tastes. - 29/03/2010 07:13:53 PM 741 Views
Re: It is really just about your personal tastes. - 29/03/2010 08:48:01 PM 676 Views
How is that going for you, actually? - 29/03/2010 10:12:01 PM 535 Views
they are pretty decent, but it is slow reading. - 30/03/2010 06:33:18 AM 593 Views
My own perspective... - 30/03/2010 01:50:21 AM 648 Views
Re: My own perspective... - 30/03/2010 03:10:30 AM 627 Views
Re: My own perspective... - 30/03/2010 10:02:14 AM 602 Views
I would suggest... - 03/04/2010 08:49:13 AM 681 Views

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