As it happens, I've got this lying around on loan from the library.
Legolas Send a noteboard - 07/03/2010 06:18:33 PM
So odds are I'll read it soon, although I should probably give priority to Dr Zhivago for now, considering how soon the book club is.
Nice review, in any case, it does increase the chances of my getting around to it.
Nice review, in any case, it does increase the chances of my getting around to it.
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
07/03/2010 04:22:13 PM
As it happens, I've got this lying around on loan from the library.
07/03/2010 06:18:33 PM
I lent it to my little sister now, who says it's a good book. *NM*
08/03/2010 07:51:10 PM