And she asked people to room with her!! Dammit, I wish I was going.
You'd be up all night, bugging her about plot lines and future stories.. the poor girl.
I'm never gonna get used to all these people with new names.
But anyway, naw, I already bugged her about it on a blog interview. (Not mine.) She said all the things I need to know- except all those things just make me even more excited to learn the specifics.
Atheism is a religion like abstinence is a sex position. - Bill Maher
Anyone else going to DragonCon? *NM*
31/08/2009 08:22:22 PM
Dude, Catherine Asaro is.
02/09/2009 03:26:47 PM
You'd never let her sleep..
02/09/2009 11:14:09 PM