For the life of me, I can't remember, and I feel like Googling it would be cheating (yet, somehow asking all of you isn't...)
All I can remember are the damn stillsuits, and "The Spice Is Life!"
All I can remember are the damn stillsuits, and "The Spice Is Life!"
There's the scene in the first book where Kynes is describing how the suit functions and how it recycles sweat and urine and processes feces.
Then think about where the Fremen get their drinking water from.
This might not be case at all, maybe it's all just moisture extraction, but who knows how much they actually recycle?
/Dune So... what did the Fremen eat?
12/02/2010 07:58:44 AM
Re: /Dune So... what did the Fremen eat?
12/02/2010 03:36:27 PM
Re: /Dune So... what did the Fremen eat?
15/02/2010 05:16:54 AM