Active Users:334 Time:12/03/2025 12:39:23 PM
Nice. How much knowledge of colonial Africa does it require? *NM* Ghavrel Send a noteboard - 08/02/2010 04:30:53 AM
then The State of Africa is definitely one to pick up.

I've just finished reading it - took me two months because there's just far too much horror to read all at once. But the book is fascinating.

Meredith gives a brief overview of the Scramble for Africa and the colonial era before taking a chronological journey through the first 50 years of African independence. There's little analysis of who was to blame, or what went wrong. The book is basically a catalogue of facts - what happened when.

I studied Africa's post-colonial era at university, but only looked in depth at the Sudan and the Belgian Congo, so I wasn't entirely prepared to read about the same violence and corruption in almost every single African country. It was certainly eye opening.

I absolutely recommend it as a starting point for understanding Africa today, and suggest that people on both sides of the aid debate read it. It will probably make you think, and thinking is always good.

Thanks to whoever it was last year who said I should read it! <3
"We feel safe when we read what we recognise, what does not challenge our way of thinking.... a steady acceptance of pre-arranged patterns leads to the inability to question what we are told."

Ghavrel is Ghavrel is Ghavrel


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If you're ever looking for a great book summarising post-colonial Africa, - 07/02/2010 11:35:01 PM 753 Views
That sounds incredibly depressing. - 08/02/2010 12:42:00 AM 635 Views
It is, yes. - 08/02/2010 07:55:19 AM 651 Views
Surely it's not all bad. - 08/02/2010 04:21:43 PM 661 Views
Nice. How much knowledge of colonial Africa does it require? *NM* - 08/02/2010 04:30:53 AM 333 Views
Pretty much none, I think. - 08/02/2010 07:56:08 AM 607 Views
. - 08/02/2010 01:59:13 PM 733 Views
That sounds like it has nothing to do with scifi or fantasy... - 08/02/2010 07:52:34 PM 704 Views
I'll keep it in mind. - 09/02/2010 03:31:45 PM 607 Views

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