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Re: How many of my 2009 reads have you read? j-whitt987 Send a noteboard - 31/12/2009 09:42:01 PM
The Magic of Recluce (L.E. Modesitt, Jr.)

Several years ago.

The Gathering Storm (Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson)

Last month.

That's a lot more than me by the way.
Kirk: Spock, you want to know something? Everybody’s human.
Spock: I find that remark…insulting.
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How many of my 2009 reads have you read? - 31/12/2009 07:09:19 PM 442 Views
Re: How many of my 2009 reads have you read? - 31/12/2009 09:42:01 PM 228 Views
well - 01/01/2010 07:35:39 PM 231 Views
Re: How many of my 2009 reads have you read? - 31/12/2009 09:43:14 PM 249 Views
I know you weren't asking me but... - 01/01/2010 01:36:38 AM 330 Views
Re: How many of my 2009 reads have you read? - 01/01/2010 08:05:08 PM 346 Views
Have you read... - 31/12/2009 09:55:10 PM 232 Views
not yet, but they are being added now to my list - 01/01/2010 08:08:10 PM 228 Views
A few - 31/12/2009 10:44:42 PM 326 Views
I think I have read all the Elizabeth Moon books and all the the books in Weber's Honor Harrington - 01/01/2010 01:25:42 AM 224 Views
I'm torn - 01/01/2010 08:19:07 PM 313 Views
I've read 15 of the books - 01/01/2010 01:20:45 PM 258 Views
Re: I've read 15 of the books - 01/01/2010 08:23:00 PM 222 Views
One. The Gathering Storm. *NM* - 02/01/2010 06:07:56 PM 94 Views

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