I've been a huge fan of the man, and his writing hasn't gotten any less fantastic but lord above, he keeps writing things that should be done already.
Empire was good. It had unexpected moments, but I really felt it was complete at one book. In fact there was one hanging question that I really loved the idea of never having answered. I'm not looking forward to this. Bleh. I need a new favorite.
Empire was good. It had unexpected moments, but I really felt it was complete at one book. In fact there was one hanging question that I really loved the idea of never having answered. I'm not looking forward to this. Bleh. I need a new favorite.
You are my audience, always.
Bring him home. Please.
A beer for Nick? Don't mind if I do.
wotmania? Why it's our legendary home where Kory CrazedWeasel and LittleSoul yet roam. It's where I hope, in the end, to return.
Bring him home. Please.
A beer for Nick? Don't mind if I do.
wotmania? Why it's our legendary home where Kory CrazedWeasel and LittleSoul yet roam. It's where I hope, in the end, to return.
New Books Due Out in December 2009
02/12/2009 09:17:37 PM
For the US, Kim Stanley Robinson's Galileo's Dream on December 29, 2009 *NM*
04/12/2009 07:52:34 PM
Can I turn in my OSC fan club card here?
07/12/2009 07:44:33 PM
Dynasty of Evil by Drew Karpyshyn 12/8/09 because I'm a Star Wars addict
08/12/2009 11:27:35 PM