The new VOID TRILOGY picks up the story about a thousand years further into the future. It's an SF/Fantasy cross-over story, with some of the characters trapped in a low-tech dimension with something close to magic which they can use. It's an interesting story, but a bit different to what he's done before.
THE DREAMING VOID and THE TEMPORAL VOID are out now. THE EVOLUTIONARY VOID is due in spring/summer 2010.
THE DREAMING VOID and THE TEMPORAL VOID are out now. THE EVOLUTIONARY VOID is due in spring/summer 2010.
Part of what I liked about the structure of the Void trilogy is that the Dreamer's story is physically embedded within the book in general, just as the universe withing the Void is embedded within the universe in general.
Hmmm... did that make any sense??
Death to the Regressives of the GOP and the TeaParty. No mercy for Conservatives. Burn them all at the stake for the hateful satanists they are.
The Reality Dysfunction by Peter F. Hamilton
30/08/2009 11:26:24 PM
I have not yet read this one. I plan to correct that error sometime in the near future.
31/08/2009 03:49:36 PM
I enjoyed the book for the most part.
31/08/2009 06:11:03 PM
Re: I enjoyed the book for the most part.
31/08/2009 07:45:37 PM
Re: I enjoyed the book for the most part.
01/09/2009 06:49:30 PM