I am only just getting started with Dumas, so I am not well versed in his works or his life. I have truly enjoyed what little I have read so far.
Dumas is wonderful. I take it you have read The Three Musketeers, Twenty Years After and Le Vicomte de Bragelonne? Or others?
How close to finished, do you think, was the work when Dumas died? Unfinished books, published after the death of the writer, are odd things sometimes. Those works often mix polished and complete with parts, characters, events that are only in framework or not polished yet.
It was, as was often the case, published as a feuilleton without being finished, and there was a bit missing when he died (although the book is already at 723 pages, not including the prospected summary). Because it was published as a feuilleton, what there is is "finished" as it were (like Edwin Drood). It is true that Dumas tended to repolish his novels before republishing them in book form, though, so it might have helped a little.
structured procrastinator
structured procrastinator
The Last Cavalier by Alexandre Dumas
04/11/2009 11:44:32 AM
Excellent summary and review. Thank you.
04/11/2009 02:23:56 PM
Re: Excellent summary and review. Thank you.
04/11/2009 02:30:04 PM
I think I probably liked it more than you
04/11/2009 02:53:35 PM
Re: I think I probably liked it more than you
04/11/2009 02:55:41 PM