Active Users:315 Time:28/03/2025 05:59:19 PM
SCFI is much like rock and roll, not dead but not really alive either random thoughts Send a noteboard - 03/04/2017 07:22:53 PM

Only one book really qualifies as science fiction and what if is the point of having a YA subsection if most of the novels nominated are YA?

It almost impossible to find any actual science fiction anymore. My daughter asked me if considered myself a nerd and said I used to but not anymore. Nerds used to like science fiction because they liked the idea of science, now they like the idea of being a nerd and don't want to be bored with any stupid science mucking up the fantasy.

I blame YA and a generation that grew up watching comic books instead of reading them. And liberals I blame liberals.

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Nominations for this year's Nebula, Bradbury and Norton Awards - 03/04/2017 05:48:21 PM 9517 Views
SCFI is much like rock and roll, not dead but not really alive either - 03/04/2017 07:22:53 PM 2245 Views
I'm familiar with earlier works by the novel finalists - 04/04/2017 03:47:04 AM 2132 Views

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