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Re: I've started listening this morning Fox and Ravens Send a noteboard - 05/02/2015 10:16:10 PM

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View original postI've actually wanted to try Audible. I'm not sure how I feel about audio books but I might as well try.

It's not going to be an easy ride. the narrator for this one sounds very very grim, and the narrative itself is not easy, what with all the farmer killing and implied raping. Still, I want to go on.

Yeah, it's pretty gruesome

Go Hokies!

CS/CpE. Yay engineering!
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Prince of Thorns - 02/02/2015 08:36:27 PM 933 Views
you got my attention - 03/02/2015 11:05:48 AM 847 Views
You won't be disappointed! - 03/02/2015 06:10:23 PM 728 Views
I've started listening this morning - 04/02/2015 08:15:58 AM 864 Views
Re: I've started listening this morning - 05/02/2015 10:16:10 PM 833 Views

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