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Same here. LiterateDog Send a noteboard - 30/01/2015 07:49:35 PM

Agreed. For me it pretty much defines my view of that whole period, especially the earlier part which is a bit less often depicted in popular culture - I'm still inclined to view Sulla and Marius the way she depicted them. Caesar, Antony, Augustus - there I guess it's more a mixture of sources.


"I'll blow whomever I want, whenever I want, as long as I can still breathe and kneel."
-Samantha Jones, SatC
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Colleen McCullough has passed away. - 29/01/2015 12:21:51 PM 4177 Views
It's a pity that The Thorn Birds gets so much attention when The First Man in Rome series - 29/01/2015 02:16:26 PM 1213 Views
Well. - 29/01/2015 06:14:35 PM 1026 Views
*NM* - 29/01/2015 07:01:19 PM 680 Views
That is a smart purchase! *NM* - 30/01/2015 07:46:15 PM 555 Views
That Rome series is the only thing by her that I've read. - 29/01/2015 09:31:36 PM 1097 Views
Just about every word goes for me too. - 30/01/2015 12:27:36 PM 1304 Views
Fair point on Caesar. - 30/01/2015 05:53:34 PM 1275 Views
Same here. - 30/01/2015 07:49:35 PM 1066 Views
Agreed. I very much enjoy that series of books. - 30/01/2015 07:48:05 PM 1018 Views
Agreed - 31/01/2015 02:14:00 PM 1153 Views

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