It has some silliness, but that doesn't take away anything from it.
(Reamde is not very good, I finished it a month or so ago)
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Now, I have read quite a bit more of Stephenson than the people who already replied, and I'll have to say that Anathem is not his best work; it has some lovely ideas and all that, and is most certainly entertaining, but if you read Cryptonomicon or the Diamond Age you'll probably be even more enthusiastic. The only problem I have with reading stephenson is the fact that he is not quite as good at ending his stories as he is with setting up the story. (Eh... that sentence seems odd, blame it on me being one of those furriners.)
Now, I have read quite a bit more of Stephenson than the people who already replied, and I'll have to say that Anathem is not his best work; it has some lovely ideas and all that, and is most certainly entertaining, but if you read Cryptonomicon or the Diamond Age you'll probably be even more enthusiastic. The only problem I have with reading stephenson is the fact that he is not quite as good at ending his stories as he is with setting up the story. (Eh... that sentence seems odd, blame it on me being one of those furriners.)
Now, suggested reading:
The Baroque Cycle (Important to read after cryptonomicon, otherwise you can change order as you prefer)
The Diamond Age
(avoid snow crash, it is a silly story)
I amuse myself.
Neal Stephenson - Anathem (why have I never heard of this before)?
14/12/2014 01:15:09 PM
I've no idea how you managed not to hear of Neal Stephenson before...
14/12/2014 08:07:38 PM
What they said.
17/12/2014 03:00:50 PM
On the contrary, Snow Crash in many ways is as seminal a work as LotR.
18/12/2014 10:28:36 AM
Snow Crash is amazing
18/12/2014 05:32:25 PM