View original postThe THRAWN TRILOGY by Timothy Zahn has now sold just under 20 million copies. Or, to put it another way, it's sold more than the DUNE novels and the HITCH-HIKER'S GUIDE TO THE TRILOGY series and a smidgen less than the FOUNDATION books. It's one of the biggest-selling science fiction series of all time solely on its own.
Okay, but that's one trilogy. Maybe they will indeed try to not contradict that one, or other highly popular EU stories, too much - obviously they don't want to spoil too much yet by mentioning which if any EU novels they'll use for inspiration, or at least will consider more or less canonic, and which not. But they were never going to show such considerations for all the EU material, the majority of which is comparatively obscure even if a few parts are not.
View original postExpanded Universe material - novels, video games and comics - have made Lucasfilm approximately $6 billion since 1977. That's more than the theatrical take of the six movies themselves (rather less once DVD, VHS and Blu-Ray sales are taken into account).
Nice, but it doesn't really tell us much about how many people are familiar with even the most popular elements of the EU, compared to how many people are familiar with the movies and don't care about all the rest.
It's absolutely not my intention to put down the EU or its fans - as I mentioned, I played the Knights of the Old Republic computer games not long ago and enjoyed them a lot (though credit for that is due to Bioware more than to Lucas, but still).
BIG STAR WARS NEWS - Moving Beyond Existing EU, New Canon.....
29/04/2014 02:47:02 AM
Haven't read any EU, but it sounds like a logical step to me.
29/04/2014 06:20:31 PM
A note on the 'obscurity' of the EU
01/05/2014 11:42:06 AM
I did say comparatively.
01/05/2014 01:17:41 PM