On Wednesdays, I have a two hour gap between my two jobs, so I frequently drive across town in Nashville to one of my favorite used bookstores, McKay Books. As is my wont, I headed first to the Foreign Languages section and browsed through the various shelves until I noticed two older books side-by-side. I picked them up. One was a reprint of the second edition of William Dwight Whitney's Sanskrit Grammar, originally published in 1889, while the other (should add both are Harvard University Press editions) was Charles Rockwell Lanman's 1884 A Sanskrit Reader.
I've been looking into exploring Sanskrit grammar sometime in the nebulous future, so it was a very serendipitous find to have these two classics (yes, I know they are outdated to an extent) in nice hardcover editions for a total of $6.
Also found paperback editions in French of Flaubert's The Temptation of Saint Anthony and Montaigne's Essays, v. 1.
Anyone care to share any rare and/or personal favorites found while browsing through a used bookstore?
Je suis méchant.