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The list is a little longer than usual, can't seem to stick. Jasha Send a noteboard - 29/11/2013 07:29:33 PM

Changes- book 3 of the Colligium chronicle, Valdemar series by Mercedes Lackey
Snuff, Discworld series by Terry Pratchet
Before Watchmen: Comedian by someone who isn't Alan Moore. (It's Fanfiction, and not even good fanfiction, at that.)
Before Watchmen: Moloch by an entirely different person who isn't Alan Moore (I keep having to take breaks from reading these to stop the bile rising up in my throat)
The New World of Darkness RPG guides, because they totally redid the game and I have a hard time remembering which rules are which.

Lots of Fanfiction. Some bad, some excellent. Various authors and fandoms.

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'Tis November. What are you reading this month? - 01/11/2013 10:05:45 AM 1071 Views
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline - 01/11/2013 03:42:26 PM 970 Views
I listened to the audiobook and didn't particularly like it. - 01/11/2013 05:17:15 PM 831 Views
Re: I listened to the audiobook and didn't particularly like it. - 02/11/2013 11:05:03 AM 1104 Views
The Septuagint. *NM* - 01/11/2013 05:27:28 PM 405 Views
Prospero's Daughter trilogy by L. Jagi Lamplighter - 04/11/2013 11:02:41 PM 934 Views
The Journals of Sylvia Plath. - 05/11/2013 09:37:25 PM 772 Views
Rereading the first two Gentlemen Bastard books - 06/11/2013 03:36:59 AM 1468 Views
The Hare with Amber Eyes *NM* - 07/11/2013 10:14:04 PM 398 Views
City of Fortune - Roger Crowley *NM* - 11/11/2013 06:09:06 PM 353 Views
The Republic of Thieves. - 25/11/2013 09:59:03 PM 827 Views
Oh, I'd already replied, hadn't I? Whoops. - 25/11/2013 10:00:20 PM 855 Views
The list is a little longer than usual, can't seem to stick. - 29/11/2013 07:29:33 PM 900 Views

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