I ask this after having thought about this a few days ago when I was looking for some new books to read. While these days I rarely read works marketed as SF/F, I do remember the relatively halcyon days of OF a decade ago when there were many voices recommending all sorts of relatively new authors, from China Miéville around the time his third novel was released to some then-obscure Canadian writer who had yet to have any of his fantasies published in the US.
But now, the voices are quieter, if not silenced. Very little discussion of any works, especially those published in the past year or so, occurs here (and less on other sites I've visited in the past). I wonder, besides connections on social media sites, where one would go to find new works/writers.
Where do you go? Do you still depend upon people here for book recs? Is there another site you favor? Is it Twitter, Facebook, and Goodreads the main sources for book information? Just curious.
Je suis méchant.