Active Users:408 Time:14/03/2025 01:59:00 PM
i finally read a memory of light. i'm still a little sad it's over. been rereading hobb, mostly. *NM* temeraire Send a noteboard - 17/06/2013 05:12:05 AM

View original postAre you joining in with the Lies of Locke Lamora reread?

"it's like the real world, except there's dragons!"

cw, you are missed...
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Happy June! What are you reading this month? - 01/06/2013 10:24:41 AM 1027 Views
The what of what what? Hell no. - 01/06/2013 07:09:30 PM 761 Views
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrel by Susanna Clarke - 01/06/2013 08:07:48 PM 785 Views
Well. - 03/06/2013 10:09:45 AM 797 Views
Reading The Great Gatsby now, that won't take long, and still Yin. - 04/06/2013 09:44:28 PM 740 Views
Finally finished Yin. - 09/06/2013 10:20:11 PM 815 Views
Now Forever Amber, by Kathleen Winsor. - 20/06/2013 06:17:18 PM 744 Views
In Darkness, Nick Lake - 05/06/2013 09:22:41 PM 792 Views
I'm curious what you'll make of The Red and the Black. - 09/06/2013 09:54:45 PM 754 Views
We shall see. - 11/06/2013 09:06:52 PM 740 Views
I wouldn't count on ever liking him... *NM* - 11/06/2013 09:30:18 PM 353 Views
Too much, probably. I'm in a phase where I read too many things at once. - 14/06/2013 05:16:12 PM 805 Views
Life of Pi *NM* - 15/06/2013 01:45:54 PM 355 Views
i finally read a memory of light. i'm still a little sad it's over. been rereading hobb, mostly. *NM* - 17/06/2013 05:12:05 AM 358 Views

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