I don't think it's very accurate to call Dance with Dragons a "CoT".
Legolas Send a noteboard - 20/11/2012 07:53:59 PM
RJ made a "big planning mistake" similar to Martin (essentially, he had WH break the synchronicity of the story lines when considering what he had left in the secondary ones he have stuck to a more chronological structure) but Jordan at least didn't spend many years crying over this problem, complaining about his misery to his fans on the internet, attempting to fix what he couldn't only to end up publishing COT nonetheless after well over five years. He published COT on time, grudgingly acknowledged afterward his structural mistake and moved on. He made concessions in KOD and got where he had planned the finale to begin (essentially he "cut to the chase" by compressing a very great deal of developments in Egwene's story in a few chapters. Sanderson then wasted what he had done by stretching her story line again... RJ wrote her face-off with Elaida that landed her in a jail as her first AMOL chapter. Brandon decided to split it in two scenes - two dinners with Elaida - creating a whole lot of chapters in between the two events. It is one of the big changes he's made from the AMOL outline that's acknowledged/documented)
Interesting. Sanderson does seem to fawn over Egwene in a way Jordan never did... at the risk of starting the Egwene Wars of the WoT board all over again. Let's hope Cannoli doesn't find this thread.
Martin spent years and years trying to avoid a COT, only to publish two COT in a row, with a very long gap between the publishing of those two.
I don't think the comparison really holds. For starters, the problem is just not the same - Jordan's had more to do with having thrown in too many secondary characters and plots which he then couldn't tie up again fast enough, while Martin's had more to do with some of his core cast requiring years more to get to the point where he wanted them than others, forcing him to adopt and then discard the five year gap plan. One could argue that Martin started throwing in too many secondary characters too, but if you ask me that was more a consequence of his fundamental issue than a cause.
And then of course there's the point that a lot does happen in the main storylines in Dance with Dragons, unlike in CoT (though I don't want to be too negative about CoT, which upon rereading is actually not so terrible at all, for those who like Jordan). Just not necessarily the things the fans wanted to see - and not enough to satisfy the overblown expectations after the ten-year wait.
Brandon Sanderson, The Emperor's Soul
18/11/2012 08:43:13 PM
Sounds like my kind of Sanderson book!
19/11/2012 01:48:56 AM
De gustibus...
19/11/2012 02:28:10 AM
The more Brandon's career evolves...
19/11/2012 04:35:26 AM
Speed kills
19/11/2012 04:38:27 PM
I agree with both of you
19/11/2012 05:27:30 PM
You wouldn't put Erikson in that category?
20/11/2012 06:03:05 AM
Although there are uneven moments, I think his work accomplishes a shade more than the other two
20/11/2012 06:11:34 AM
Re: Although there are uneven moments, I think his work accomplishes a shade more than the other two
20/11/2012 03:12:45 PM
Re: Speed kills
19/11/2012 08:59:14 PM
With Martin it's what I call "Robert Jordan Syndrome"
20/11/2012 02:31:22 AM
Re: With Martin it's what I call "Robert Jordan Syndrome"
20/11/2012 04:12:03 PM
I don't think it's very accurate to call Dance with Dragons a "CoT".
20/11/2012 07:53:59 PM
Re: I don't think it's very accurate to call Dance with Dragons a "CoT".
20/11/2012 11:56:55 PM
I just want to throw out there - I really appreciate this analysis, DomA. Interesting tidbits.
22/11/2012 01:31:17 AM