Jesus Christ another fucking thread about rape and fantasy.
Dan Send a noteboard - 19/08/2012 01:47:43 AM
1) The author is situated in our present-day culture and thus is in a position of responsibility in framing his work to use it as an artifact to shape current culture and reinforce appropriate norms, thus it must conform to Politically Correct Norms.
2) The author situates his work in a fictional culture based on our antiquated belief systems and thus is obligated only to shed light on and reinforce the norms of that other, fictional culture; he is invisible to the present and present-day culture and it is up to the reader to discriminate.
You can all go suck a cock.
2) The author situates his work in a fictional culture based on our antiquated belief systems and thus is obligated only to shed light on and reinforce the norms of that other, fictional culture; he is invisible to the present and present-day culture and it is up to the reader to discriminate.
You can all go suck a cock.
I said I would not read these books until they were finished, and I have been congratulating myself on that decision ever since (giggling a little inside -- and sometimes also outside -- as fans of the series grew ever more frustrated with the amount of time it takes Mr Martin to finish it).
Due to circumstances I won't go into here, however, I decided it was time to have a go. And so I did.
I had seen the tv series. I do not generally approve of watching an adaptation of something before reading the book (due to ingrained cultural notions of originality and authenticity -- I prefer to make my own reading before seeing someone else's), but I made an exception because I did not expect to read the books in a long, long time.
But. Here I am. Having started yet another unfinished series. And I am very ambivalent about this one. It seems confused. I think that is the word. It veers from horrifying (say, the rape of a 13-yearold presented as an acceptable, erotic seduction scene) to almost feminist in its undermining of the traditional female fantasy narrative in Sansa. It is definitely a more "realistic" fantasy-world narrative, but it does seem to lack depth (despite its grand schemes of cold and warm). What depth there is, it seems to me, lies in its acknowledgement of the grey zones of characters. The language is not terribly impressive (occasionally downright bad), but generally not distracting.
What follows is my take on the series after the first book (spoilers galore if you have not read it). I have not seen or read the second season/book. I don't know what is coming (except, you know, winter). But I am sufficiently fascinated by the moment in the middle of narratives to wish to preserve my first understanding of this one before going on to read the rest.
1. Characters: To Martin's credit he seems to be at pains to show that perspective is king, and a good ability to have you sympathise with the character who is the villain (or at least a problem) in the mind of the one whose perspective you have just read. As far as I can tell, that seems to be the point of the series (or the book, at any rate). And it is a point I approve of wholeheartedly. But. That said, I miss a more distinct colouring of the voice in these chapters. The perspective changes, but there is little change in the narration. There is some, but only enough to make me wish he had taken it all the way.
I do also wonder whether Martin is going to offer the same curtesy to the characters he has so far presented as villains. While Tyrion is shown not to be the villain Catelyn takes him to be, Cercei and the rest of the Lannisters are never given a perspective. The majority belongs to Stark.
Moreover, his characters don't have a lot of depth. He does provide the discrepancy between the perception from afar and the character from within (Catelyn's perception of Tyrion vs Tyrion's experience of his own life), but within the perspectives, the characters are not very developed. Having stepped away from the mythical towards the "realistic", I would have expected Martin to do better.
Tyrion is perhaps the most developed character among them. So far, anyway. Together with Jon Snow and perhaps Arya and Daenerys, he has Overcome Obstacles in life, but he is the only one who seems to have arrived at an equilibrium. I suppose that may mean the latter three will either develop or disappoint in what follows.
2. World details: Ah, the curse of epic fantasy. Martin has caught it too. In Jordan you get dresses and women's names; in Martin there are banners and castles. What could possibly be their purpose? There are too many to keep track of in any sensible way, and I cannot imagine there will be much reward for doing so. Nor does it quite succeed in creating the impression of colour and variety, which I think is what is aimed for, because it takes too long in the description of it. Hopefully, he has got it out of his system in the first book and will turn to other matters in what follows.
The layering of histories is common currency in epic fantasy, and I confess I get a little fed up with it. Children, first men &c. I assume it will have some bearing on the plot, otherwise it is just a poor man's Tolkien with rape thrown in. Much depends on how Martin plays this.
3. Plot: It seems blatantly obvious to me at this point (indeed, it seemed obvious quite early in the book) that Jon Snow is the son of Ned Stark's sister Lyanna and Rhaegar Targaryen. I assume he raped her (the only possible justification for the rape theme that pervades the series) and that she made her brother swear to keep the child's parentage secret so that Robert would not kill it. I have heard Jon Snow's parentage presented as one of the great mysteries of the series. This depresses me.
I am more interested in how the deadly grass will play out (the type that seems to work just like the ice-zombies do). And I imagine Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen will be the heroes of the piece, with Tyrion Lannister and Bran Stark between them. I must also confess to some curiosity as to what Stannis Baratheon is up to. The Game of Thrones is precisely the most attractive side to the series so far: I want to know how the intrigues play out.
4. Themes: Well, ice vs fire seems to be a given. I hope it will develop a more balanced mythology (or whathaveyou) with an equally scary baddie on the fire side of things. At the moment, Daenerys does not quite seem to match up to the Others, and it would be depressingly like the conventional good vs evil flatness that made me go off epic fantasy many years ago. A more balanced fire vs cold narrative with the good somewhere in between would be more interesting. Jon Snow would seem to be rather important, at any rate, reconciling the two sides in his parentage (if I am right).
Rape seems to be another major one. I have heard that Martin has said that while rape is pretty much everywhere in the series, it is never condoned. Well, you can take that with a lump of salt. I already mentioned Daenerys' wedding night. I forgot to mention that she falls in love with her rapist. Granted, in the Seven Kingdoms, rape is generally presented as a wicked man's weapon. But somehow, that is not applicable to the Others (by which I do not mean the icy evilly zombie-people but the Dothraki) on the other side of the sea (seriously, can you give me some more Orientalist stereotypes to go?).
Women in general is a problem for Martin. I think that like Jordan he suffers from the delusion that he writes strong female characters. Instead we get Catelyn Stark (Mother, relegated to the supportive sidelines, although Martin should get props for highlighting the frustrating side of that), Cersei Lannister (Mother, using sex for control, also drunk on power and Evil), and Sansa Stark (Headless Chicken, although here too I am tempted to give Martin a nod for showing the uselessness of her fantasy world). Daenerys Targaryen (Wife and almost Mother, whose narrative is depressing in as much as she falls in love with her rapist and then uses sex to sway him -- because really people, that is what women are all about) might offer some hope, but I am not holding my breath (in the end she seems to gain power, but only through her supernatural powers: women need dragons to kick ass?). And then there is Arya Stark, the vulnerable Child playing at men's games with her sword, but really lost in the world. Arya is the one I have the most hope for. I like that Martin at least opens the floor to questions of female roles, but I hope she does not end up getting rescued by someone.
I did like the fact that Martin killed off Ned Stark. It showed an ability to engage with the problem of moral action in an unjust world. I hope he will keep exploring that (rather than, say, just have a load of characters raped). I also see traces of the same topic in the Night Watch (but with some faulty logic here and there). It will be interesting to see whether Martin can actually juggle all these balls or whether he has just picked a lot of shiny ones and thrown them into the air.
Finally, history. I can see the allusions to the War of Roses, though not as much as I had expected. There certainly does not seem to be any clear overlap between the two. I imagine the main overlap will be the reconciliation of two warring factions through a figure who takes part in both. Say, Jon Snow.
Knowing epic fantasy, though, there will probably be more characters, more plot lines and quite possibly more nations any moment now.
Due to circumstances I won't go into here, however, I decided it was time to have a go. And so I did.
I had seen the tv series. I do not generally approve of watching an adaptation of something before reading the book (due to ingrained cultural notions of originality and authenticity -- I prefer to make my own reading before seeing someone else's), but I made an exception because I did not expect to read the books in a long, long time.
But. Here I am. Having started yet another unfinished series. And I am very ambivalent about this one. It seems confused. I think that is the word. It veers from horrifying (say, the rape of a 13-yearold presented as an acceptable, erotic seduction scene) to almost feminist in its undermining of the traditional female fantasy narrative in Sansa. It is definitely a more "realistic" fantasy-world narrative, but it does seem to lack depth (despite its grand schemes of cold and warm). What depth there is, it seems to me, lies in its acknowledgement of the grey zones of characters. The language is not terribly impressive (occasionally downright bad), but generally not distracting.
What follows is my take on the series after the first book (spoilers galore if you have not read it). I have not seen or read the second season/book. I don't know what is coming (except, you know, winter). But I am sufficiently fascinated by the moment in the middle of narratives to wish to preserve my first understanding of this one before going on to read the rest.
1. Characters: To Martin's credit he seems to be at pains to show that perspective is king, and a good ability to have you sympathise with the character who is the villain (or at least a problem) in the mind of the one whose perspective you have just read. As far as I can tell, that seems to be the point of the series (or the book, at any rate). And it is a point I approve of wholeheartedly. But. That said, I miss a more distinct colouring of the voice in these chapters. The perspective changes, but there is little change in the narration. There is some, but only enough to make me wish he had taken it all the way.
I do also wonder whether Martin is going to offer the same curtesy to the characters he has so far presented as villains. While Tyrion is shown not to be the villain Catelyn takes him to be, Cercei and the rest of the Lannisters are never given a perspective. The majority belongs to Stark.
Moreover, his characters don't have a lot of depth. He does provide the discrepancy between the perception from afar and the character from within (Catelyn's perception of Tyrion vs Tyrion's experience of his own life), but within the perspectives, the characters are not very developed. Having stepped away from the mythical towards the "realistic", I would have expected Martin to do better.
Tyrion is perhaps the most developed character among them. So far, anyway. Together with Jon Snow and perhaps Arya and Daenerys, he has Overcome Obstacles in life, but he is the only one who seems to have arrived at an equilibrium. I suppose that may mean the latter three will either develop or disappoint in what follows.
2. World details: Ah, the curse of epic fantasy. Martin has caught it too. In Jordan you get dresses and women's names; in Martin there are banners and castles. What could possibly be their purpose? There are too many to keep track of in any sensible way, and I cannot imagine there will be much reward for doing so. Nor does it quite succeed in creating the impression of colour and variety, which I think is what is aimed for, because it takes too long in the description of it. Hopefully, he has got it out of his system in the first book and will turn to other matters in what follows.
The layering of histories is common currency in epic fantasy, and I confess I get a little fed up with it. Children, first men &c. I assume it will have some bearing on the plot, otherwise it is just a poor man's Tolkien with rape thrown in. Much depends on how Martin plays this.
3. Plot: It seems blatantly obvious to me at this point (indeed, it seemed obvious quite early in the book) that Jon Snow is the son of Ned Stark's sister Lyanna and Rhaegar Targaryen. I assume he raped her (the only possible justification for the rape theme that pervades the series) and that she made her brother swear to keep the child's parentage secret so that Robert would not kill it. I have heard Jon Snow's parentage presented as one of the great mysteries of the series. This depresses me.
I am more interested in how the deadly grass will play out (the type that seems to work just like the ice-zombies do). And I imagine Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen will be the heroes of the piece, with Tyrion Lannister and Bran Stark between them. I must also confess to some curiosity as to what Stannis Baratheon is up to. The Game of Thrones is precisely the most attractive side to the series so far: I want to know how the intrigues play out.
4. Themes: Well, ice vs fire seems to be a given. I hope it will develop a more balanced mythology (or whathaveyou) with an equally scary baddie on the fire side of things. At the moment, Daenerys does not quite seem to match up to the Others, and it would be depressingly like the conventional good vs evil flatness that made me go off epic fantasy many years ago. A more balanced fire vs cold narrative with the good somewhere in between would be more interesting. Jon Snow would seem to be rather important, at any rate, reconciling the two sides in his parentage (if I am right).
Rape seems to be another major one. I have heard that Martin has said that while rape is pretty much everywhere in the series, it is never condoned. Well, you can take that with a lump of salt. I already mentioned Daenerys' wedding night. I forgot to mention that she falls in love with her rapist. Granted, in the Seven Kingdoms, rape is generally presented as a wicked man's weapon. But somehow, that is not applicable to the Others (by which I do not mean the icy evilly zombie-people but the Dothraki) on the other side of the sea (seriously, can you give me some more Orientalist stereotypes to go?).
Women in general is a problem for Martin. I think that like Jordan he suffers from the delusion that he writes strong female characters. Instead we get Catelyn Stark (Mother, relegated to the supportive sidelines, although Martin should get props for highlighting the frustrating side of that), Cersei Lannister (Mother, using sex for control, also drunk on power and Evil), and Sansa Stark (Headless Chicken, although here too I am tempted to give Martin a nod for showing the uselessness of her fantasy world). Daenerys Targaryen (Wife and almost Mother, whose narrative is depressing in as much as she falls in love with her rapist and then uses sex to sway him -- because really people, that is what women are all about) might offer some hope, but I am not holding my breath (in the end she seems to gain power, but only through her supernatural powers: women need dragons to kick ass?). And then there is Arya Stark, the vulnerable Child playing at men's games with her sword, but really lost in the world. Arya is the one I have the most hope for. I like that Martin at least opens the floor to questions of female roles, but I hope she does not end up getting rescued by someone.
I did like the fact that Martin killed off Ned Stark. It showed an ability to engage with the problem of moral action in an unjust world. I hope he will keep exploring that (rather than, say, just have a load of characters raped). I also see traces of the same topic in the Night Watch (but with some faulty logic here and there). It will be interesting to see whether Martin can actually juggle all these balls or whether he has just picked a lot of shiny ones and thrown them into the air.
Finally, history. I can see the allusions to the War of Roses, though not as much as I had expected. There certainly does not seem to be any clear overlap between the two. I imagine the main overlap will be the reconciliation of two warring factions through a figure who takes part in both. Say, Jon Snow.
Knowing epic fantasy, though, there will probably be more characters, more plot lines and quite possibly more nations any moment now.
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This message last edited by Legolas on 22/08/2012 at 06:26:52 PM
This message last edited by Legolas on 22/08/2012 at 06:26:52 PM
- Edit 2 by Legolas on 22/08/2012 at 06:26:52 PM
- Edit 1 by Dan on 19/08/2012 at 01:49:03 AM
A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin
13/08/2012 10:48:37 PM
13/08/2012 11:40:22 PM
On the Rape issue....
14/08/2012 01:19:35 AM
Re: On the Rape issue....
14/08/2012 02:02:42 AM
Firstly, Camilla is a she. Secondly, though I won't speak for her, regarding the rape in the novels,
14/08/2012 02:23:19 AM
Camilla is indeed a she.
14/08/2012 06:18:58 AM
Re: On the Rape issue....
14/08/2012 06:17:55 AM
How is that a violent rape? At worst it would be statutory rape.
17/08/2012 11:53:44 AM
The wedding night is statutory. I would describe the later rapes as fairly violent.
17/08/2012 12:13:26 PM
That was her only sex scene, until she induces him to have outdoor sex to get pregnant
17/08/2012 07:20:09 PM

It is not necessary to provide a scene
17/08/2012 10:49:20 PM
I believe that what is happening here is called confirmation bias *NM*
21/08/2012 06:23:38 PM
I think you misread one part
14/08/2012 04:51:34 PM
I think that the Rhaegar and Lyanna stuff does look like rape in the first book
14/08/2012 08:10:27 PM
"Looks like" is this case meaning "explicitly stated to be that way"?
17/08/2012 11:56:48 AM
what a great review. you echo my thoughts quite a bit...
15/08/2012 01:21:38 AM
Re: what a great review. you echo my thoughts quite a bit...
15/08/2012 07:39:24 AM
philippa gregory co-authored a book "the women of the cousins' war" - it was very interesting
16/08/2012 07:54:50 PM
Wait...why would you waste time reading this fluff series when it's out on TV?
16/08/2012 12:10:32 AM
I always liked the banners and pageantry - it creates an interesting contrast...
16/08/2012 11:52:40 PM
Re: I always liked the banners and pageantry - it creates an interesting contrast...
17/08/2012 06:33:24 AM
I think the TV series handles the problematic Dany/Drogo relationship better
17/08/2012 12:20:16 AM
Re: I think the TV series handles the problematic Dany/Drogo relationship better
17/08/2012 06:40:12 AM
I think it messed it up by showing forced intercourse without the verbal consent Drogo DID obtain
17/08/2012 12:07:14 PM
I still find it difficult to read it as anything other than a coerced consent
17/08/2012 01:08:15 PM
A perpetrator-less crime then.
17/08/2012 07:26:26 PM
Exactly! I'm on board, Cannoli.
18/08/2012 07:45:56 PM
You are missing the point.
18/08/2012 11:11:33 PM
The later books do add more context and change some of this
19/08/2012 12:08:49 AM
Jesus Christ another fucking thread about rape and fantasy.
19/08/2012 01:47:43 AM
Perhaps if reading other people's views makes you so angry, you should avoid reading them? *NM*
19/08/2012 02:37:03 PM
19/08/2012 03:33:39 PM

Fixed it for you.
19/08/2012 08:22:18 PM
Oh, but that takes us back to snoop being right, and I'm sorry, but I just cannot abide that.
19/08/2012 10:56:10 PM
Shake the sand out of your vagina bitch. *NM*
20/08/2012 06:35:32 AM
Gosh, this is really turning into something fun.
20/08/2012 07:15:01 AM
Here I was about to make a "whee misogyny" post. I never get to have fun.
20/08/2012 09:09:04 AM

Huh. I just came to the odd realization...
20/08/2012 08:29:56 PM
Don't lock it!
21/08/2012 05:11:34 AM
Yes, I'm aware, or I might have locked it already.
21/08/2012 06:17:29 PM
That is the best written and most insightful review of that book I have read
01/09/2012 05:38:00 PM
I forgot that I was supposed to read all threads to watch out for Bad Behaviour.
01/09/2012 11:09:52 PM