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Deep into space opera/scifi reads. Currently Cyteen Aeryn Send a noteboard - 28/06/2012 05:15:07 PM
Reread Revelation Space by Alastair Reynolds.

Currently reading Cyteen by C.J. Cherryh (had the book forever (5+ years), but didn't start reading until I gave away the enormous hardcover on BookMooch and got myself a Kindle copy.) Quite good so far.

So it seems like I'm on a space opera kick.
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Happy June! What are your reading plans for this month? - 01/06/2012 09:38:53 AM 825 Views
The last quarter of Cloud Atlas. - 01/06/2012 10:33:21 AM 719 Views
I finished The Hobbit today - 01/06/2012 01:15:52 PM 693 Views
I finished Shippey's book - 18/06/2012 12:29:39 PM 699 Views
Finished Ronson's Them - 20/06/2012 09:04:18 AM 730 Views
No specific plans; still working on Windup Girl. - 01/06/2012 01:44:00 PM 684 Views
Re: Happy June! What are your reading plans for this month? - 01/06/2012 02:01:04 PM 701 Views
Currently, I'm reading "The Wisdom of Father Brown." - 02/06/2012 02:36:59 AM 906 Views
Finished Eduardo Mendoza's RiƱa de Gatos - Madrid 1936. - 07/06/2012 09:44:39 PM 819 Views
Deep into space opera/scifi reads. Currently Cyteen - 28/06/2012 05:15:07 PM 697 Views

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