So as a fellow poster mentioned reading all of Ray Bradbury's works and giving each the discussion time it deserves might be a little to ambitious. He wasn't Asimov (simply reading all of Asimov's works without discussing them at all would be ambitious) but he was rather prolific especially for someone that kept such a high quality in each of his writings. So which books to include?
My thoughts (most of these are the big names that really must be included)
Fahrenheit 451
Martian Chronicles
Illustrated Man
Something Wicked This Way Comes
The October Country
I Sing the Body Electric
Dandelion Wine
The last while not strictly genre is just such a great book that I think not to include it would be a mistake. Couple days after I think about it more will make another post about how I think the reread should be organized...others thoughts are always welcome.
My thoughts (most of these are the big names that really must be included)
Fahrenheit 451
Martian Chronicles
Illustrated Man
Something Wicked This Way Comes
The October Country
I Sing the Body Electric
Dandelion Wine
The last while not strictly genre is just such a great book that I think not to include it would be a mistake. Couple days after I think about it more will make another post about how I think the reread should be organized...others thoughts are always welcome.
Books to include in Ray Bradbury reread
11/06/2012 04:40:56 PM